Hi, I'm new and need encouragement

Hi, my name is Dave. I'm 58yrs old, 6' tall and weigh 270lbs. I want to bring my weight down to 200lbs and get rid of the mobility problems I have (I can barely reach down and pick things off the floor. It is hard to tie my shoes). I would appreciate any suggestions on how to get started. I am using the Premium version.


  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,913 Member
    edited February 2021
    Hi Dave. I’m 58. I started MFP a little two years ago, and have lost ninety pounds.

    The first thing to do is go to the goals page and enter your current weight, height, activity level and goal weight. Then it’s going to ask you how much do you want to lose per week donut can set your daily calorie goal. Losing more pounds means fewer calories, of course.

    If it were me, starting over in an idealized setting, I would pick somewhere in the middle. I’d make sure I had adequate calories. It’s so juicy easier to focus and not get overwhelmed, and avoid the “slave away/binge”’cycle, if you’ve got a couple hundred extra to work with.

    It’s not necessary to exercise with CICO (calories in/calories out). As long as you eat less than you burn, you’re going to fuel that calorie fire.

    Weigh accurately and log honestly.

    Exercise can speed the process along, and/or buy back extra calories to enjoy. (And heaven knows, I do enjoy them!)

    If you’re not exercising now, start by simply walking. That’s the single best, cheapest, most efficient exercise you can do.

    When you’re comfortable with that, and feel like you want to do more, the world is your oyster. Weight lifting, running, biking, hiking, HIIT, gym type machines, we’ve got a lot of guys coming in for yoga and Pilates at the studio I attend.

    Read these forums religiously. The boards here were an education in nutrition, proper workouts, even (ewww) basic body functions. There is so darned much we don’t know about our bodies or take for granted, or we buy into myths we’ve heard all our lives which are absolutely. not. true. (Surprise!)

    And ask questions. In the 29 months I’ve been here, nothing is off the table. And for each person who works up the nerve to ask,you’ll see that dozens of lurkers have read that post.

    Much success to you!

  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    Welcome Dave :) .. I think springlering62 covered that very nicely. Wishing you much success here.