Give Me Your Best Weight Loss Advice



  • JustaNoob
    JustaNoob Posts: 147 Member
    Drink 8 glasses of water a day, often we think we are hungry when we are thirsty. If you wait too long to drink your body will tell you to eat to get the moisture from food,

    If possible take a walk at lunch and in the evening.

    Create Pinterest boards of people with your body type who have lost weight and look at them daily for motivation. Know it’s your daily habits that get you to your final destination. If someone were to give you a million $ if you lost the weight in a year, could you do it? If the answer is “yes” then you know it’s down to motivation so you need to have short term goals (such as losing 5lb) and long term goals.

    I find it easy to drink water, but have noticed that sometimes when I'm thirsty I crave ice cream. If I can just drink, I normally can move on from the thought.

    I may try taking walks at lunch when the weather is nice.

    I used to be motivated by pics of other people, but now I am motivated by pics of myself when I was smaller lol! But I do follow many on instagram.
  • gionrogado
    gionrogado Posts: 45 Member
    i spread out my calories throughout the day. helped against binging. example:

    1500 calories

    400 breakfast
    150 snack
    400 lunch
    150 snack
    400 dinner

    my macro settings are

    30% protein
    25% fat
    45% carbs

    plus, dont drink your calories. make every bit count
  • Ddsb11
    Ddsb11 Posts: 607 Member
    Loved reading your responses OP. Look forward to seeing your journey ❤️
  • eater_78
    eater_78 Posts: 13 Member
    It may sound obvious but:
    1. find the approach that works for you: people are different so different things work for them. Sure at the end of the day it all comes to calorie deficit but people get there differently, some like small meals very often, some do 3 big meals a day, some do some sort of fasting (5:2, 16:8 or whatever), some are good with moderation and others have to abstain from trigger foods, some have to follow a strict diet (keto, paleo, Dukan), others prefer to eat everything just limit quantities, some do better doing programmes like WW or SW, others cringe at being publicly weighed. Nobody knows you as well as you know yourself so choose what suits you.
    2. Make sure you really are motivated. Now this is a tricky one, we've all been at the stage where we feel we should lose weight and yet we were not in the right mindset for it. Once you're in the right mindset, you can do anything!
    3. Find exercise that you like. Or at least don't mind. If you like watching the telly maybe get a stationary bike or a treadmill. Or a stepper, a rowing machine or anything else you can put in front of the tv. If you are outdoorsy go for walks or join a 'couch to 5K' programme (now that's a popular running programme in Ireland, check if you have something like that over there). Join a class if you like group exercise or buy dumbbells and use youtube or fitnessblender to start working out at home. Unless you burn calories like mad, I would be very careful eating them back.
    4. Be brutally honest about how much you eat. This has been said so many times. Don't trust your eyes or cups, use scales! Don't snack and then 'guess' the quantity. Don't overeat and leave the day blank because you're embarrassed. Open your diary, make it public, keep it honest. Sure, sometimes we have to estimate a meal, but make it an exception, not a rule.
    5. Don't get discouraged. If you have a bad day (or a week) it doesn't mean it's over for you, just do better the next one. You can do it. Yes. You. We are all in the same boat here (or were in the same boat a few times before then fell over and now managed to get back in :smiley: ). I lost a lot of kg with MFP then they came back and now I'm back again with a new login and a new hope.

    Best of Luck!
  • bbrogden57
    bbrogden57 Posts: 4 Member
    JustaNoob wrote: »
    Putting myself out here because I really want to be successful at losing weight. I feel like I have been on a diet every other day for 18 years with very little to show for it and don't want to continue on this cycle. I've done a lot of different things, both on the extreme end and the moderate end.

    I feel like I am either eating 1200 calories a day and binging on the weekends, or I am eating 1800 calories consistently and not losing anything. Can you please look at my stats/info below and give your best advice/plan?

    Age: 34
    Weight: 247lbs
    Very Sedentary-- Work 10 hours a day sitting, M-F
    Not super active when I get home either.

    I currently dance in my apartment for 30 mins 2-3x's per week consistently.
    Inconsistently, I lift weights and go for walks.

    Lose 100lbs
    Minimize as much muscle loss as possible in the process

    Health Issues:
    Diagnosed as slightly insulin resistant (If I am not careful, I will become prediabetic)
    Some knee pains, sometimes

    Tools I have:
    Food Scale
    Apple Watch
    Internet/Access to Youtube
    Gym with all of the basics for weight lifting, walking, and elliptical.
    Access to a walking path at my apartment and close to my work.

    My biggest struggle is night-time eating and too many sweets. I keep trying to be a "normal" moderate person and allow for sweets in moderation, but in all honesty I end up eating them all up in a night.

    I also struggle with not being prepared and grabbing food on the go. Some weeks my meal prep is on point, other weeks I don't do so well... or just straight up hate the food I cooked lol.

    Okay... I think that is as much detail as I can think of that would be helpful. Ask me anything else you need.[/quote

    Make goals, write them down and record what you did each day, it is rewarding to see your improvements. It made me want to work harder. Below are some of my goals.

    Goal - Exercise of choice, work your way up to 1 hour, 5 times weekly.
    Treadmill is great if you have one or row machine. I also do squats, setups, lifting weights and such. Any exercise will be good as long as it will get your heart rate up. My body loves me for this.

    Goal - 1200 calories I am doing 1000 calories and less most of the time.

    Goal - only berries when wanting sweets, no more than 6 oz serving. Work your way to no sweet's. This is a game changer!!!!

    Goal - 3 cups of coffee or green tea daily, sweetened with your sweetener, no sugar, I use unsweetened almond milk and stevia.

    Goal - Sleep 8 to 10 hours nightly

    Goal - Anything to take your mind into a complete relaxed mood. 1 hour daily. It can be a mixer of things. Do something that you love. Example: listening to music, Christine music, adult coloring book with all kinds of interesting markers and such. Also reading works for me.
    Examples- coloring, puzzles, reading, car ride, good movie, write short stories or poems, dancing. Anything

    Goal - cut all gluten out
    I saved the hardest for last lol. But this is the best thing I ever did for myself. It made me feel like a new person. It takes a lot of will power and research you will find yourself very busy reading up on gluten free things to eat. Read up !!!

    Goal - cut out foods that have been processed.
    This was my second hardest thing to do but it was a life charger for better all around health. Read up!!!

    I am in no way telling you this is for you but it certainly changed my life in more ways than I can say.

    Good luck - I do know that for anything to work it has to be a new way of life. Just for me- I keep my carbs very low. I am a keto friend forever. 4 years now

    God Bless
  • bbrogden57
    bbrogden57 Posts: 4 Member
    Sorry this is my first time doing this, I think I made a boo boo lol.

    Make goals, write them down and record what you did each day, it is rewarding to see your improvements. It made me want to work harder. Below are some of my goals.

    Goal - Exercise of choice, work your way up to 1 hour, 5 times weekly.
    Treadmill is great if you have one or row machine. I also do squats, setups, lifting weights and such. Any exercise will be good as long as it will get your heart rate up. My body loves me for this.

    Goal - 1200 calories I am doing 1000 calories and less most of the time.

    Goal - only berries when wanting sweets, no more than 6 oz serving. Work your way to no sweet's. This is a game changer!!!!

    Goal - 3 cups of coffee or green tea daily, sweetened with your sweetener, no sugar, I use unsweetened almond milk and stevia.

    Goal - Sleep 8 to 10 hours nightly

    Goal - Anything to take your mind into a complete relaxed mood. 1 hour daily. It can be a mixer of things. Do something that you love. Example: listening to music, Christine music, adult coloring book with all kinds of interesting markers and such. Also reading works for me.
    Examples- coloring, puzzles, reading, car ride, good movie, write short stories or poems, dancing. Anything

    Goal - cut all gluten out
    I saved the hardest for last lol. But this is the best thing I ever did for myself. It made me feel like a new person. It takes a lot of will power and research you will find yourself very busy reading up on gluten free things to eat. Read up !!!

    Goal - cut out foods that have been processed.
    This was my second hardest thing to do but it was a life charger for better all around health. Read up!!!

    I am in no way telling you this is for you but it certainly changed my life in more ways than I can say.

    Good luck - I do know that for anything to work it has to be a new way of life. Just for me- I keep my carbs very low. I am a keto friend forever. 4 years now

    God Bless
  • laurasmith2277
    laurasmith2277 Posts: 6 Member
    joanna_82 wrote: »
    \Coming from someone who set a 0.5lb weight loss/week rate this time last year and have managed to stick to it, change my habits and still enjoy cooking and eating. ☺️
    Did you set this goal in the MFP app? I can't figure out how to do that!

  • allie_00p
    allie_00p Posts: 280 Member
    edited March 2021
    My best weight loss advice is what has worked best for me, YMMV: focus on your full body strength training (deadlifts, squats, upper body work), get at least 150g of protein per day to protect your muscle mass while you're in a calorie deficit. Muscle tissue is metabolically active, so it enhances your metabolism (body burns more at rest) while also giving you a nice shape.

    1200 is really low, I'm also 5"6" I'm 32 and I generally don't go below 1500 while in a deficit. I'm not saying you should be at 1800, but you can possibly sustain even a little bit more than me since you have more body weight and you can adjust it down as you go.
    If you start at the lowest possible calorie option, you have nowhere to cut if you hit a sticky spot along the way.

    Edit: and by strength training I mean progressive overload, very slowly and progressively increasing the amount of weight you're lifting. Not lifting the same weights every week or doing bodyweight exercises only.