insanity vs. p90x?

gpies Posts: 56 Member
Anyone out there done both and have a favorite of the two? Why?

I saw some ads for insanity and it seems more appealing to me (I tend to go for more exercise along the running, aerobic type). Just wondering how many folks have tried both and which one you liked more.



  • SFinn
    SFinn Posts: 43
    I would like to know too, since I want that to be what I treat myself to when I reach one of my mini goals.

    I have some of the workout DVD's from the guy who does the Insanity DVD's and they are difficult. He doesn't give much time to rest. It's very high energy aerobics with no equipment. I wonder if Insanity is the same?
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Haven't done P90x, so can't compare, but I'm working through Insanity.

    He does not give much rest time, for sure-- keeps you moving, moving, moving-- total killer. But, I love it.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    P90X - eqmt needed, weights and cardio
    Insanity - body weight, no addt'l eqmt needed, mostly cardio

    I've done and love them both! The only complaint I have about insanity (did it after P90X) is that it doesn't have any workouts that specifically target muscle groups to maintain what I built up with P90X (although it does some pushups/etc). Now I do a hybrid of sorts, such that I do the weight workouts from P90X and do the cardio workouts from Insanity, alternating days between the two. Occassionally I'll throw in Kenpo (love it) and Yoga to switch things up. I also recommend P90X first because it gives you a great base to work you up to Insanity, because it's just that - INSANE!!! :laugh: Hope this helps!
  • lbooth7447
    Ive heard alot of people say Insanity is pretty hard and its good to start off with P90X. Im currently doign P90 and loving it! Will be purchaing Insanity next =)

    P90X isnt lot of cardio but its amazing how much stronger you become.. I totally reccomend it!
  • ErickaJos
    ErickaJos Posts: 43 Member
    Anyone out there done both and have a favorite of the two? Why?

    I saw some ads for insanity and it seems more appealing to me (I tend to go for more exercise along the running, aerobic type). Just wondering how many folks have tried both and which one you liked more.


    I've done both programs. These 2 workouts as well as ChaLean Extreme and Turbo Fire are high quality programs that yield results.

    P90x is a 90 day program that targets specific body parts during each video. Each video is about 50-60 minutes long. You'd need a set of weights or resistance bands. Tony is the trainer, he is a joker and keeps you entertained during your workouts and still encourages you to "Do Your Best, Forget the Rest".

    Insanity (My favorite) is a 60 day High Interval Intensity Program. You use your body for resistance and it is plyometric focused. If you have bad knees this may not be the workout for you. If you insist Shaun T. is the trainer for you, then you can modify the more difficult moves. Insanity seems almost impossible at first, but you'll get stronger as the days go by, that is a promise.

    Let me know if you have additional questions! I'd be happy to help you.

    Visit my website for more information:

    I am an Independent Beachbody Coach and my goal is to help people like me achieve their goals of fitness and health.
  • JillieHobbs
    I have done both. P90X first, then Insanity, then a hybrid of both. They are both great, but depends on what you are looking for. p90x is very slow paced so your heart rate doesn't get to a cardio zone, but the strength training is incredible and you can see results very quickly - you will need several size weights for this tape. Insanity you need no equipment, but it is VERY intense. Your heart rate will sore and it is very quick pace. Lots of legs in insanity and lots of plyo jumps....! It can be overwhelming but it is doable. I personally am a huge fan of Turbo Fire now and am having a hard time trying to go back to the other two, but all beach body products are GREAT!
  • toddgaines
    toddgaines Posts: 130
    I've done both and must say they are very different. It really depends what you are looking for out of your workout.

    P90 X requires you to purchase a lot of equipment on top of the DVD's. It does a lot of crazy strength training, but in circuits, and does it in quick sets, always changing the movements slightly between sets to confuse your muscles. P90X will get you ripped without a doubt, but you might not lose weight, in fact some people actually gain weight (I lost 35 lbs on it, but was doing it when I was just starting out and had a LOT to lose).

    I have since switched to Insanity. It is CRAZY cardio. You will sweat like mad and push your lungs, heart, core and legs to their limits. It is max interval training. So you do as many movements in each set as you can.. then repeat faster and harder for the second set .. and then even further on the third. As you improve you just do more .. so it is ALWAYS challenging. The warm up is more of a work out than I had ever done before. You will definitely lose weight on this. I have only lost 5 lbs so far, but I am also only on day 11, and supposedly it gets twice as hard when you get to day 30.

    For me I prefer Tony (P90X) over Shaun T (Insanity). Especially for someone just starting out. Tony always has modified moves for beginners and is very encouraging about taking breaks as you need them. Shaun T pushes you.. and although he encourages you to take breaks .. he does it in between yelling at you to push harder and keep going... so it is a little contradicting. Don't get me wrong.. his methods are working.. I push myself to my limits, but I just wish he was a little nicer .. or threw in some humor once in a while. Tony is a bit cheesy some times, but I get a kick out of him.

    I definitely plan on going back to P90x when I complete Day 60 of Insanity, because at that point I should be ready to tone, as I will have reached my weight goal.