Trouble to sync my Fitbit with my fitness pal app

Hi any body know how key in steps manually on my fitness pal


  • AstraL12
    AstraL12 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi.. I've got the fitbit versa 2.. I paired it with my phone, connected the fitbit app to MFP.. Every time I go out for a walk, I press the + sign next to the exercise section on the fitbit app.. This allows you to track your walk, providing you have your location settings on.. After the walk, I press 'Finish' on the fitbit app.. It then tells me my steps, distance and calories burned..
    Back onto MFP and I manually put in the exercise section, the time I started walking, duration and calories burned.. The fitbit app will then adjust it accordingly throughout the day if you burn any extra through 'zone minutes'
    Hope this helps 🙏
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    AstraL12 wrote: »
    Hi.. I've got the fitbit versa 2.. I paired it with my phone, connected the fitbit app to MFP.. Every time I go out for a walk, I press the + sign next to the exercise section on the fitbit app.. This allows you to track your walk, providing you have your location settings on.. After the walk, I press 'Finish' on the fitbit app.. It then tells me my steps, distance and calories burned..
    Back onto MFP and I manually put in the exercise section, the time I started walking, duration and calories burned.. The fitbit app will then adjust it accordingly throughout the day if you burn any extra through 'zone minutes'
    Hope this helps 🙏

    If you've connected your Fitbit to MFP, you d not have to log any exercise into MFP -- your activity adjustment will automatically make calorie adjustments when necessary.

    Also, your adjustments aren't just based on "zone minutes," it's based on your overall activity.
  • solidimaging
    solidimaging Posts: 3 Member
    edited March 2021
    I'm starting to wonder exactly what I'm paying myfitnesspal for. I'm linked up correctly but my steps/calories aren't showing in realtime. It takes at least a day IF they post at all. That's not helping me plan my food intake. Myfitnesspal says it's their system. Again, what exactly am I paying for? They certainly take my payment in realtime.
  • kermitch
    kermitch Posts: 53 Member
    Hmm... I'll follow this thread as I'm not sure if my Fitbit is connected or not. I have the Versa2 watch, and think I've linked to MFP. But can't see on my profile where this shows my steps yet. Suggestions? A screen dump would be great. I've had the fitbit charge before and never had to manually put in a walk, it would happen automatically, same with a bike ride. Hoping the Versa will do the same, or I'll be very disappointed.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    kermitch wrote: »
    Hmm... I'll follow this thread as I'm not sure if my Fitbit is connected or not. I have the Versa2 watch, and think I've linked to MFP. But can't see on my profile where this shows my steps yet. Suggestions? A screen dump would be great. I've had the fitbit charge before and never had to manually put in a walk, it would happen automatically, same with a bike ride. Hoping the Versa will do the same, or I'll be very disappointed.

    You will not see exercise activities sync between Fitbit and MFP, you'll just see a calorie adjustment on MFP for your overall activity.