Staying motivated


I’m now about 5 months into trying to lose weight for the 2nd time. Previously, I had went from 265 lbs to 198 lbs over the span of 3 years. It only took from November to February to get from 265 lbs to 225 lbs.

Four years ago, I lost sight of my lifestyle and regained all of my weight back. So here I am at it again. I started in October at 265 lbs, and reached 225 lbs by February.

This time is a little different, as I have reintroduced the gym at an earlier point, creating more non scale victories, sooner.

I guess all I’m trying to get out of this post is to remind you all that if you lost it before, you can get it back. I am reminding myself as well

Thanks for reading.


  • JGT001
    JGT001 Posts: 21 Member
    @Baylees_Dad I'm in a similar boat. Several years ago, I went from 269 lbs. down to 239 in about 8 months. Things were going pretty well, but life threw a curve ball. My FIL got sick & I spent the next 6 months helping my wife take care of him... I fell out of my routine & just sort of quit working out. I also stress ate (a lot). Eventually, I gained back everything I lost, then some.
    In the beginning of 2019, I was pushing 300 lbs. Not sure what my heaviest weight was because I refused to get on the scale. I wasn't happy & was heading to poor health but decided instead of feeling bad for myself, I'd do something about it. I have too many people in my life that I want to stick around for. I got back into the gym, started paying more attention to what & how much I ate (joined MFP) and have kept it up for 2 years now.
    My official beginning weight for MFP was 295 lbs. I've gotten down to 245, but started creeping back up a little over the winter. With spring around the corner, I'm hoping to get outside and get more active & continue my progress to getting healthier & in better shape.

    Keep up the hard work!
  • Baylees_Dad
    Baylees_Dad Posts: 2 Member
    Great job! It is difficult to keep the weight off, once it is off. I think the main thing is to keep the fact that we know what it’s like to be heavy, in the back of our minds. We also know how to correct it. Just don’t get complacent like I know I can get. We don’t want to keep continuing to do this work to lose the weight, we want to be in maintenance mode