Starting again- Add-me please

Motivation and Support
Hi all

My name is Dawne. I am 45 years old. 5’4” and 243 lbs.

I’ve struggled with weight my whole life. In high school I was skinny because I never ate and took diet pills (early 90’s- they don’t even sell them anymore.) it was very unhealthy. It led to eventually developing a huge kidney stone (later in life I had to have surgery.) I’ve had 11 surgeries. 7 of them being on my abdomen (over the years.)

I came from a home where my mom was severely overweight up to 475 lbs (she eventually had bariatric surgery and is now slowly dying due to malnutrition.)

So, I grew up first hating food because of her and an abusive (ex now) stepfather...and hurting myself and abusing my body with incessant diet pills.

Fast forward to my weight creeping up when I’ve had my kids and various surgeries, and eating my feelings on my way through my own bad marriage.

And now currently - my now fiancé loves to cook (unhealthily) and I love eating (especially when he cooks...)

I tend to work retail as well- so foods always around me!

All that being said- I know it’s ALL an excuse. I alone am responsible for my choices.

So stats:
Age: 45
Height 5’4”
5 years ago: 267
3 years ago: 175 (with mfp and eating healthy)
Now: 243 (how did I let myself go back?!?)

Lose 2 lbs a week on a 1200 calorie or less diet

If any of this hits home with you or you want and/or need support add me please.

I know I did better before because others read my mfp diary and I knew it.

But I stopped logging a year or so ago.

Started again 2 days ago and I’m determined.

I did it before! I can do it again!!

Let’s do this together!


  • iChose2live
    iChose2live Posts: 5 Member
    I would love to add you, I too am around the same weight and lost around 60lbs back in 2014. I’m around 250lb
  • inzwindz1
    inzwindz1 Posts: 5 Member
    Yes, oh yes i am a Bipolar dieter. I go gung ho, I lose the weight, then gain it back, like a yoyo. it is exhausting.
    So I was doing great a year ago then the pandemic happened, and all that hard work went out the window and i gained all the weight back once again. So here I go again! I am trying to learn dont go back to those bad habits!
    So.. here I go again!
  • GeekDadCS
    GeekDadCS Posts: 153 Member
    I lost 40 pounds and gained a lot of it back. We can absolutely do this again!
  • nerdherdshepherd8973
    nerdherdshepherd8973 Posts: 16 Member
    I hear you. For me it’s mindless stress eating. Mindless grazing. Several years ago I lost 60+ with MFP, but gained most of it back in the ensuing time. I’ve been working on it for a few months (heaviest I’ve been in a long while) and lost some, but really want to take charge of this. So I’m back doing what I know works for me and looking for friend who know the struggle’s real! Sent a friend request.
  • Aqualang26
    Aqualang26 Posts: 149 Member
    Add me, y'all! I try to always comment or at least give a like.

    I can relate to some of your post, OP. I got quite big after a major injury, bedridden and on heavy steroids for a long time. I lost it all down to 133 (I'm 5'4") but then got pregnant (at 41!) And put it all on and then some.

    So here I am trying to lose it all again for my healthy 19 month old who deserves a mama who can play with her without getting tired or hurt. (I've lost 35lbs so far but have 80 to go.)

    Having a community really helps - let's do this!