What does your weight graph look like?

Cheery83 Posts: 208 Member

Here is mine start is January 2014 end is now.
The reason the ups are so smoth is because I stop visiting mfp. When I reach my goal. Then I am usually good for half a year.

Weight is in kilograms. Btw. Yes I know jojo dieting is bad for me and I would probably be better of staying fat if I am just going to stress my body by gaining and loosing the same 20 kgs every second year.

But I do not enjoy being overweight.


  • cyan87
    cyan87 Posts: 16 Member
    Was in the 200+lbs for a long time. When I officially started getting fed up, but most importantly, serious about health and weight loss was around September 2019 at 218lbs. Now, I’m at 157lbs. Planning to lose another 15lbs
  • Cheery83
    Cheery83 Posts: 208 Member
    That was a nice graph. Good on you for keeping too it.
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    Yours looks fine to me as mine is very similar!

    "Yoyo dieting" is not bad for you if you exercise. In fact, weight lifters alternate bulk and cut cycles purposefully to add muscle. For many of us who tend to gain weight, our weight trend will tend to look jagged.

    I can only comment that if you intervene sooner, the jaggies are smaller.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Mine mostly looks like this...
    I had a big whoosh this week, but it will probably pop back up a little soon.
  • GymGoddessGoals
    GymGoddessGoals Posts: 2,146 Member
  • amorfati601070
    amorfati601070 Posts: 2,885 Member
    Im very bad at actually updating it.

  • Antonio509113
    Antonio509113 Posts: 3 Member
    edited March 2021
    I'm 5' 9" and have always been in the 130s.

    Edit: okay I tried multiple times to submit a screenshot but the app seems to be broken and ignores it.
  • omelballardo7009
    omelballardo7009 Posts: 4 Member
    OOo this was a great thread! I couldn't upload my graphs but I've gone up 20kg in 8 years and now I can't seem to get back below 70kg these days. I had a couple of silly years and now I'm stuck and it won't budge! I admit, I'm barely exercising, I just can't find the motivation because I'm always tired and I'm a team person. I'd kill for an exercise buddy but just don't know how to find one as a 39yo woman.
  • Cheery83
    Cheery83 Posts: 208 Member
    edited October 2023
    Thought I could upload a new one but. The phone and app didn't cooperate
  • Cheery83
    Cheery83 Posts: 208 Member
  • Cheery83
    Cheery83 Posts: 208 Member
    edited January 3

    All of last year. If I copy this graph this year. I will only be 3 kg of my goal weight at this time next year.
  • Cheery83
    Cheery83 Posts: 208 Member
    edited January 3

    Since I bought my scale in February 2021
  • Cheery83
    Cheery83 Posts: 208 Member
    edited January 3

    From January 2014 till now