Active friends

Hey everyone
Just looking for some active friends who will support each-other and motivate each-other while on this journey
Lets exchange recipes and other goodies :)


  • Spiegelchan
    Spiegelchan Posts: 78 Member
    Hey Sol, sounds perfect - I’m also looking for some motivation! I won’t be able to exercise for a while & need help sticking to a stricter diet 😔 what are your goals?
  • katalina235
    katalina235 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey !! I'm active everyday and would love to be friends to help motivate and support each other ! Add me 😃
  • RBhyan
    RBhyan Posts: 31 Member
    Hey guys..I am also back after some gap and last time it was a decent success..back now as need to check and loose the growing fat.. looking for active friends...benifit to have me as your friend is that I am a big self motivated person , looking forward to mkae it a successful journey to weight loss
  • IndyFitAgain
    IndyFitAgain Posts: 67 Member
    I've been on MFP several times and I lost a lot of weight over the years... unfortunately, each time I've gained it all back. Every time I've come back to this app, it refocuses me by making me accountable, and supportive friends help motivate and keep me on track.

    Stay consistent and be persistent!
  • NotHumanAtAll
    NotHumanAtAll Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm on my second week of exercising (six days a week) and sorting out my diet. Would be great to talk to some people doing the same thing and motivate each other. Some people in my life are suggesting treats and cheat days, so would be good to get more encouragement. :)
  • Lhenderson923
    Lhenderson923 Posts: 102 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add me! I previously lost about 60lbs using MFP and maintained it for 2.5 years before getting pregnant. I gained 50lbs while I was pregnant (9.2lbs of which was my baby) so now I’m back here set out to return to my prepregnancy weight (12lbs to go) and then an additional 20lbs on top of that. I’ve done it before so I know I can do it again!