Back again

Hello there, trying to stay on track and focused on me. Not an easy thing to do!


  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Welcome back!

    One thing I am trying this time around is to keep a journal with the daily prompt of "What does self care look like today?" I also include any emotional challenges I am facing when I write. I am a very good dieter. I have had multiple dieticians be impressed with my menu when I am on point. And then, I get stressed and I don't want veggies, I want fried starches and cake and nothing else. So I am trying to learn that a solid diet of fried starches and cake isn't actually self care, but rather nigh on suicidal for a diabetic like myself. Part of that is practicing self care, even when I am not craving it and part is including occasional fried starches and cake in a way that doesn't send my blood sugar into a spin (ie, in small quantities and balanced with exercise).