Good Day.

So after conversing with my Provider the other day and realizing I have gone so far off the reservation with my poor eating habits again I decided to start tracking my intake. I try very hard to be ultimately accountable, including that 10 kcal breath mint, etc. My provider added a new T2DM medication as my a1c is 7.5 (used to be 6.9) and mentioned considering Bariatric surgery as a way to reduce my weight (291). I am a Nurse and know too much about the surgery and its complications so I hoped to try again to modify my eating habits, recognize the psychological impact of WHY I eat (NOOM graduate here) and return to the better eating habits I had two years ago. I have not ever been successful in dropping significant amounts of weight, usually get down to 271 and plateau (6 months in a gym 5 days a week cardio and lifting started at 285). Never go below that regardless of increased exercise, decreased calories, you name it. Clothing fits me the same now as it did at 275. I have failed at every thing I have tried even with tunnel vision and concentration. I feel as though I give up so much for absolutely no reward and it gets frustrating. So this is my swan song, my last attempt prior to consenting to surgery.


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 35,066 Member
    I'm betting this time can be the charm. It sounds like you have some pressing reasons to make a change, but I know you know that even after the surgery you'd have to change eating/activity habits to succeed long term, so anything you can figure out now with MFP can only help. Stalls are often part of the process, though 6 months is a long stall. Still, the community members here have been through a lot of things, so might be able to help.

    If you post about what the roadblocks or issues are, folks will offer a lot of opinions and help. Every single response may not be your cup of tea, but if you can pick through and find what works for you, it can be pretty useful.

    Wishing you success this time around!