Losing Wt & Adjusting Goal ?

When I first started, I was 193# & set a temporary goal of 180. That’s not my goal to maintain, but I thought breaking down weight loss into smaller goals would motivate me. So, now that I’m getting near 180, do I just change my goal in settings? Thanks all!


  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    Yes, that's basically how it works. You may also want to go through the guided setup again and get a new calorie budget - your calorie needs go down by about 5 cal for every pound you lose, so if you've lost ~10lbs, you should be eating ~50 fewer calories per day to maintain your rate of loss.
  • 406MamaBear
    406MamaBear Posts: 47 Member
    Thank you, goal06082021! That’s so helpful. I’ve been fumbling around this site for a few months, and your advice is always appreciated.