No Energy

I have very little energy and motivation at times. It is hard for me to get out and walk let alone run. I had tried energy drink and energy shots that work for a while but seem to make me feel worse after they wear off. Are there better choices i could make to help with the NO ENERGY problem. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods


  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    This is actually kind of vague....need more information.

    What is your exercise schedule? What are your eating habits? Etc...
  • Telugammayi87
    Telugammayi87 Posts: 170 Member
    Can't see your diary or anything, but try to avoid spiking your blood sugar and it crashing... eat slow digesting carbs (brown rice, beans, blah blah blah...) and try to avoid simple sugars... (and yes fruit is fine unless YOU find that eating it is giving you a rush and then you crash.. everyone is different)

    Me, personally, I started taking a Super B Complex vitamin when my energy levels were pretty much bottomed out. My energy returned the day I started taking it! It leveled off after a few weeks, but still my energy is static now and not up and down. Also, taking a Vitamin D supplement helps when I'm not getting outside enough.

    ETA: Energy makes energy... You will find if you are on a decent exercising schedule( not overdoing it, either, and allowing for rest/recovery...), your will start to have more energy.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    Without knowing more about your health and eating patterns...

    - I have always had a low-energy level (even when I was healthy and thin). Taking off a lot of weight over the last year has helped (which is something that you're working on - WOOT!).
    - I'm borderline anemic - not enough for meds, but enough that it affects me. Getting foods rich in iron helps.
    - I have to make sure that I fuel my workouts (generally - trying to eat well, and enough)

    Has the low energy thing been a problem for you for a long time, or is it new? Sometimes seeing the timing of it can help point to the cause.

    And those 'energy drinks' are usually best avoided - you've experienced the crash yourself, so I think you know why.

    ETA - i get a little boost from coffee, but since I don't intake a lot of it in one go, I usually don't have the 'crash'
  • tlou5
    tlou5 Posts: 497 Member
    If you open up your diary you will probably get better/ more suggestions. Are you depressed? Anemic? Any other health problems? What is calorie intake vs exercise calories burneD?
  • mommaash6
    This had been an ongoing issue for years. I do not have any health problems. Last year I moved into a house infested with mold and was on prednisone for almost a year before we realized what was making me so sick and moved. The respiratory issues, caused me to become very out of breathe from simple tasks. I thought the my energy levels would perk up once my lungs worked properly again but no such luck. I walk for about an hour every morning and take a walk after lunch with my son, if i can motivate myself to get out and do it.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    I looked at your diary. You drink a lot of sugar. Drink water as much as possible. You eat lots of carbs but no veggies.
    No fresh fruit either. You need to greatly increase these along with more protein such as fish, chicken, beef and eggs.
    Also some healthy fats along with this food, such as extra virgin olive oil in your veggies.
    You can also add some eggs.
    I think if you try this, you will notice a lot more energy because your body will be getting more of the nutrients it needs.
    Also fresh fruits like berries, apples, melons, etc. You will start to feel great!
    You can try sublingual B12 also, but what you put in your body is vital to how you feel!
  • guessrs
    guessrs Posts: 358 Member
    Super foods are low calories and they give you energy: oats, whole wheat bread, bagels, oatmeal, fruits, veggies, yogurt, eggs, grilled chicken, fish.
    Also eat more than 1400 cals per day, otherwise you'll be dizzy ..