Duromine (appetite suppressant) 30mg - Day 3

After just over a year of trying to get my blood pressure to a more acceptable level (I have a high diastolic BP), my doctor has authorised 3 months on Duromine at 30mg. I started at 119kg/262lbs (Which I have been going from 110-120kg over the last year). I'm on day 3m and finally found my scales and I am currently 116.7kg/257lbs.

I have found that I am getting up really early (3am) and am quite tired at the end of the day. I haven't been sleeping as long as I usually do, but that's to be expected. The extra energy has been amazing - and it has really helped me get through the second last week of term with student behaviour and the extra marking, parent-teacher interviews.

I've been eating breakfast and dinner mainly.

Whilst I haven't changed what I am eating yet, I think it's okay to take a bit of time to figure out how the appetite suppression will look, and then plan around that.

The good news is that I've been drinking more water, as one of the side effects. This is great because sometimes I know I need to drink water, but won't do it, but now it's more urgent with the dry mouth. So I'm pretty happy with that.

I'm thinking of things I will need to put in place whilst on Duromine, to help me to maintain after I stop the drug.

* My food quality is generally good, but has been a bit rushed with the recent stress of the job. (Eating two minute noodles for breakfast instead of something more nutritionally valuable). But I make up for it for dinner.

* Smaller portions

* More protein based foods.

* Maybe getting in to a routine of doing exercise on purpose.

So that's my plan for now. Let me know if there's anything else I should be working on whilst on the appetite suppressing medication.


  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    Do you have a food scale? The biggest factor for me, I was lost without it.
  • LisaGetsMoving
    LisaGetsMoving Posts: 664 Member
    Do you have a food scale? The biggest factor for me, I was lost without it.

    I second this. Learn to correctly portion so the math is more accurate. Also, move your body more and try to do it with something enjoyable so that it's enticing you to do it regularly. Walk, dance, kickbox, swim, etc.
  • Kerryk61
    Kerryk61 Posts: 15 Member
    They are not good to take duromine
  • jackiethwaite
    jackiethwaite Posts: 4 Member
    So I have lost 3 kg so far, which has put me at 116kg, which is about where my body likes to sit, so I’ll see if we can bust past this. I took a walk today as well, so that was a bit of a win.