Dieting with depression

Struggling to keep going how does anyone else cope with dieting with depression?


  • katanak9
    katanak9 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm not going through a current episode of depression, but I do understand comfort eating and the huge hit motivation can take when I am very low. Maybe it would help to think of it as "eating to be stronger" rather than "dieting". You're fueling your body to fight back against the depression.
  • WillHeWontHe
    WillHeWontHe Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Karl. I'm working throigh anxiety and depression also. On a bad day I could eat 2-3 packs of biscuits...if you have a support network i.e family etc see if they can help by removing your favourite foods that's what my wife did when I started dieting only about a week ago. If sweet is your thing try sweet dried fruit, if savoury is preference try portioning salted almonds etc. I tend to still be a bit hungry after my meals as I'm learning to control my wife suggested filling up on water once I finish my meal and it helps. Good look man. Add me if you wish
  • karl1234chef
    karl1234chef Posts: 2 Member
    I’m trying the water filling up. I’m very fussy with my food and don’t like fruit or nuts. I eat lettuce and tomato a little. Allergic to fish. I just find my low mood makes me struggle to stick to the diet. Also and this sounds weird but I do get really down after eating sometimes as far as crying. Thankyou for your answers.
  • katanak9
    katanak9 Posts: 42 Member
    I understand the getting really low after eating part. I used to gorge myself of ferrero roche chocolate - HEAPS of it. And afterwards I felt so trapped and upset with myself.

    I just concentrated on changing one small thing at a time to try to climb out of that habit.

    I don't know any easy solutions, but I hope it helps to know you're not alone in this and there are obviously others who have faced similar things. You're most welcome to add me as a MFP friend if you would like to 😊

    Take care of yourself and remember it's about progress, not perfection!
  • rq5vgs8gyr
    rq5vgs8gyr Posts: 1 Member
    I feel like this isn’t talked about enough! Depression makes your energy level plummet, the tiniest set back can make you more depressed and eat more, etc
    I think honestly without medication it doesn’t work. It’s just a repeating cycle of wanting to not to be depressed, wanting to be healthy, wanting to have a better body. I’ve been without medication for a while now and I’ve gained 60lbs so at least for me it’s not manageable.