Advice needed

Hey guys.
Just wondering if it’s absolutely necessary to eat the calories you get back after exercise? Any advice welcome.


  • 1poundatax
    1poundatax Posts: 230 Member
    It varies for each individual I think. I don't eat my exercise calories back. Years ago I found that doesn't work for me. What I am trying now is to get some extra exercise if I know I am going to be indulging in somethng special. For me exercise is to help keep myself healthy. I do track it as I am required to for a different program I am in.
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    The way MFP is built, it's expected that you will eat back your exercise calories, because the calorie budget that MFP gives you has a deficit built in before accounting for purposeful exercise. Calories burned doing purposeful exercise are "bonus" calories for the day; not eating them may leave you with a deficit that is too large, which sounds like it would be the opposite of a problem, but undereating can damage your body in a whole host of new and exciting ways just like overeating can.