Restarting and wanting to connect

nameiscatherine Posts: 12
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
I am back on MFP after trying other programs, but frankly, I was managing well with weight loss when I made it a habit to log daily and increase my activity. (Who would've thought, right?) lol. I tried WW and it's just not for me with fixating on a point system versus utilizing MFP food log. That, and I am incorporating a more whole eating, Paleo lifestyle because I am also trying to address food allergies while working on weight loss, improving stamina and gaining strength. This also involves no sugar substitutes, cutting out gluten, increasing vegetables and getting protein from foods like free range eggs, chicken, wild caught fish and grass fed beef. Tomorrow is when I'm starting fresh overall but I have already began to make the transition today. I'd like to connect with others who have the same goals and may also be following whole eating. Just send me a request if you'd like!
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