How to build enough energy, to start building more energy? oof



  • kenyonhaff
    kenyonhaff Posts: 1,377 Member
    What a pickle.

    Just rolling out of bed feels like it takes a large chunk of my energy reserves. Normally exercise builds more energy, but there is some sort of hump I'm not able to get over. I'll wake up at 7am and find myself going to lay down at 6pm exhausted.

    There's a couple of issues to unpack here. There's several reasons why you might be physically so tired, and it's not a simple fix.

    There's nutrition -- what you are eating might be causing you to not have energy. Simple carbs and crappy foods with no nutrition will make you fatigued.

    There's depression/anxiety -- fatigue is a common symptom. Also messes with sleep.

    Thyroid issues -- it's always possible that your symptoms have little or nothing to do with your weight or fitness. Always worth a check.

    What I would recommend:

    Make a doctor appointment. Fatigue at this level is a real medical issue and we're not medical professionals.

    Try gentle/restorative yoga.
  • kenyonhaff
    kenyonhaff Posts: 1,377 Member
    I would highly recommend trying restorative designed to be gentle and restore energy. There are programs online for free (such as on YouTube). Even better, with a certified teacher. A lot of these practices literally can be done in your bed if you like. :)

    And I won't pretend yoga will fix everything. This is a complex problem which the more holistic approach the better.
  • Thoin
    Thoin Posts: 942 Member
    What a pickle.

    I'm in the worst shape of my life, and now that I am a "remote worker" all mandatory exercise has been removed from my life.

    I was good for about a week and a half doing cardio and some body weight exercises. I'm not new to this, I don't need to learn about nutrition or how to properly exercise, but I am COMPLETELY void of energy.

    Just rolling out of bed feels like it takes a large chunk of my energy reserves. Normally exercise builds more energy, but there is some sort of hump I'm not able to get over. I'll wake up at 7am and find myself going to lay down at 6pm exhausted.

    I suppose the answer is "just do it", and "try and try again". But I'm so tired. Always so tired. 20 minutes of cardio and 30 push ups makes me sleep for 12 hours. Not to mention eating 2200 calories somehow makes me feel like I'm starving. Absolute worst shape of my life.

    Motivate me or tell me how to escape this :) This year+ long lock down may literally kill me, as I've put on over 100lbs in the blink of an eye.

    Talk to your doctor. Make sure you aren't deficient in something. Also, as someone who has suffered with depression, you could be depressed.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    AmunahSki wrote: »
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    bebeisfit wrote: »
    Well I'm not OP but I got great inspiration from the above responses.

    I'm not new to weight loss, I lost and maintained a 70 lb loss for several years. But this year I packed on fat. I barely exercised and started eating crap foods that have zero benefit and eating in excess. And I'm 59..i cant jump around or run like the old days.

    I had a wake up call and you all gave me a lot to think about.

    I've also been in sales so I too have heard all the seminars..make a plan! And follow the plan!

    I've got a goal of a hiking vacation this fall. And darn it..I'm going to do it!


    About the only thing I would have harped on a bit more after scanning the thread is... a doctor's visit by the OP.

    Given the symptoms, if she were someone I knew IRL, I would be concerned about depression, iron/red blood cell levels, maybe even thyroid levels and would like to know that a competent professional had ruled out basic health issues as factors in terms of how she felt...


    OP asked, “Motivate me or tell me how to escape this”, and if OP quit less than 3 hours later reading replies from those who were trying to do either (or both), then for me that’s a sure sign that there’s something wrong and they need advice from a doctor.

    [Unless, of course, flouncing off in a huff is ‘very normal’ for the OP, in which case it isn’t an additional symptom, just a life choice.]

    From memory, actually pretty typical reaction to anything he didn't like. The actual quitting is new, and completely over the top.