Anyone in Australia? 34/F/Syd looking for support/new friends

Hi Everyone,

I'm Jess, 34/F/Sydney Australia. I was 107.2kg. Trying to have a baby, so the doc said I had to drop some weight. Through diet and exercising a little I have lost 10kg in 46 days! Too fast, I know. I'd still like to lose another 10kgs, but much slower, as I'm worried about getting left over saggy skin.

I haven't actually found the dieting too hard - but I have been eating only 1200 calories per day, weighing everything meticulously, going for walks after work. Looked through some of the Newbie posts and found this link: which says I should increase to about 1600 calories per day, so will get started on that right away, no issue there!! haha.

My partner, who is in healthy weight range, is bored with steamed veg and grilled chicken so is having hamburgers and chips for dinner, which sucks for me. My close friends are overweight themselves and whilst they are verbally supportive, no one is being... helpful? And I don't want to keep talking to them about all the minutia of dieting because I know what it's like being on the other end of that conversation!

Has anyone got any similar stories, share some perspective? I never thought I'd be in this space. Feeling kinda... lonely?!




  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,728 Member
    Hi Jess @stortina I am the same age and live in western NSW.
    Congrats on losing 10kg, that's great! I've lost 10kg so far too, though I'm a fair bit heavier than you to start with lol.
    I don't have many Aussie friends on here so I'd be happy to connect if you wanted to send me a friend request.

    One thing I will mention re dieting: it's so easy to get bored/burned out with a restrictive diet, especially if you're eating the same foods a lot. My approach is rather than thinking of this as a diet that I will do until I lose enough weight, I think of it as a lifestyle that I want to live for the rest of my life. I can't see a life without a few beers and the occasional pizza, so I don't keep them out of my diet now. I cut back, reduce portions, have them less often, but I still have them and that way I don't feel deprived and I'm less likely to quit!

    Hope to chat soon.

  • stortina
    stortina Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks Christie, I will add you and PM you !! :)