Building muscle Vs cardio

I haven't done any strenuous cardio. Just walking a little more after work. I have been using resistance bands and an assisted squat machine(with resistance) daily. I have been consistently losing 2lbs a week for a month just doing this and eating the recommended calories. Though I do plan to dust off the old treadmill to get back into running for cardio, are there benefits to building muscle as you slowly lose weight over doing cardio. Should I do both daily? I have always had fairly "strong" legs and the muscle tone is already showing more though I do have giggle to my thighs I actually like my legs and don't want to lose them lol
Its mostly my mumtum I want gone, which incorporate into the daily routine and feel the burn with the squats.
As I know you can't choose where you lose fat but I am trying to learn more on how to lose fat but maintain my curves, if at all possible.


  • wunderkindking
    wunderkindking Posts: 1,615 Member
    When you lose weight, you will always lose some muscle along with fat (unless losing far more slowly than 2 lbs a week!). When you lose muscle there are some long term consequences - including but not limited to the fact that muscle is more metabolically active than fat (ie: you need calories to maintain it, so it just existing allows you to eat more).

    I think daily is probably overkill, and you do need rest days. I'd absolutely include resistance (even body weight exercises) a couple or few days a week.
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    If you are losing 2 lbs a week you definitely need to continue to keep up with your weight training so you are losing more fat than muscles (for the already mentioned reason above). What do you do with the resistance bands? You didn't really state what you used those for. Tweaking your weight training plan might have a greater effect on shaping your body than concentrating on intense cardio.

    I am older, and while do I enjoy cardio, it definitely has an adverse effect on my weight/strength training needing more recovery time and at times making me lose weight faster than I wanted to. I kind of found a balance that involves a lot of steady state cardio (long walks, casual elliptical training, and cycling) on my off weight training days. Allowing me to lose weight but hang on to the muscle and shape I worked hard on to build.

    Some people here will have some good advice that may be more focused on your situation and needs but the more information you could provide about your present workout, goals, eating plan will help.