Keto times in New Jersey

Hello I am restarting keto. This is my day 4 of aligned macros. 75/20/5. Unfortunately I am keto independent in my household. So I throw my stuff together on the fly. Hope to be keto inspired. I've done this before so it's familiar. I'm a true carnivore so, bring on the's the healthy fats where I fail. Still lose weight but it should be healthier. Would love some keto buddies. Great thing about keto is it eliminates my migraines. Negative...after long term keto, I am now super gluten intollerant. Probably was before keto, just didn't realize it. Love the recipe / meal idea sharing. That's new. Hope to make friends....keto buddies 😄


  • piscesjoey
    piscesjoey Posts: 15 Member
    Hello from right over the Delaware Memorial Bridge here in Delaware lol, I’m also doing keto again to lose weight too. Sending you a friend request. My diary is also open so feel free to look at my meals at any given time. Cheers to our goals! 🥂