Seeking more friends for support and motivation

Okay, so I believe I joined MFP in 2018. Got pregnant. Kind of stopped using app. Came back on in 2019 after my son was born. Completed P90X. Stopped posting on app when life went crazy. Pregnant again in 2020. Stopped using app AGAIN. Then my son was born winter 2020 and I logged back in.

I am a busy mom so I don't tend to pop into the forums. I just find it difficult but I TRY to browse my friends feed and I'm really needing a bit more to encourage me to keep logging in. Hoping friends will help inspire me. Haha.

Charlie Charlie SHOULD be enough on his own ;) but it would be cool to have a few more post-partum ladies on my feed.

I have 100lbs to lose (to be where I personally want to be). 130lbs if I want to hit a healthy bmi but I'm not so sure I'm going to worry about that... 100 seems intimidating enough.

I THOUGHT I was gaining friends but realized VERY recently they were all bots. I'm a loser who didn't notice. LOL.

Hi! Hello! I'm running now. The kids are sleeping. I'm gonna try sleep. Wish me luck!
