Garmin VO2 max

What does VO2 max of 38 mean?


  • sweetdaisy13
    sweetdaisy13 Posts: 357 Member
    edited May 2021
    If you're using the Garmin Connect App, go to: Menu / Performance Stats / VO2 Max and then click on 'Help' and there should be a description on there explaining what it means.

    The range of readings is based on whether you are male/female, your age and the activities you do etc. Also, your VO2 Max may differ depending on whether you are running or cycling.

    I'm assuming you are male from your profile picture (apologies if I'm wrong), but without knowing your age I don't know what a VO2 of 38 means for you. But it's on the Garmin Connect App and should tell you if it's average, good, excellent etc.