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Would You Rather

JFinn26 Posts: 708 Member
edited May 2021 in Fun and Games
Pretty straightforward....pick one from the poster above, but leave one for the next one.

I’ll start:

Would you rather: have your personal hell be nothing to drink except for your favorite drink but it’s been left in a car on a hot day OR your favorite band’s songs being played on an endless playlist performed by William Hung?


  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,833 Member
    That was easier than I thought because my favorite drink is tea 😁

    Would you rather have your snooty, judgemental in-laws move in with you or live alone on a deserted island?
  • JFinn26
    JFinn26 Posts: 708 Member
    Live alone of a deserted island- no snooty, judge mental in-laws there! Haha

    WYR- be in a cold climate with no heat OR, be in a hot climate with no A/C?
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,833 Member
    My old bones ache in the cold! 😩

    Be married to a perfect 10 physically with a Beyotchy, rude, 2 on the personality range
    Or a 2 physically with an amazing Loving personality?