My Weekly Goals

This is just a personal thread for me to structure my goals and to keep myself accountable (hopefully!). I hope this is OK for me to post here. If anything, maybe someone else will gain some inspiration from it too.

As of now, the goals will remain reasonably unstructured. I aim to tackle one week at a time to create healthy habits. Once a routine is established, I will probably be more precise and work towards specific goals. I haven't been completely unhealthy in the past months - I still went to the gym from time to time and I usually have at least one healthy meal a day - but recently I have made way too many excuses to expect results I'm happy with! It could just be me making a cake and then eating more than I should because I get worried I won't finish it before it gets dry or I and my bf happen to order takeaway on a whim. Similarly, I tend to write days off when I don't manage to exercise at times I originally set out for it. And these things just need to stop.

So, for this week, starting today, I have set the following goals:
  • Run 2x for at least 25min
  • Go to the gym at least 3x (PPL)
  • At the gym attempt a pull-up. Just one. No expectations.

Pretty simple so far - But we're taking it easy this week!

If anyone sees this, I am also thinking about signing up for a gym class. I go to the gym regularly but have never attended a class and I'm not sure if they're any good. Any thoughts? I'm at Puregym if that helps.
