Week 2 - Just Doing It

Hello! Today is the beginning of week 2 of my "New Me" lifestyle. I've got a lot of weight to lose. Right now I am working on establishing a sort of "baseline" eating plan. I read about all these 1-month, 2-month, 90-day diet and exercise plans such as what's found on bodybuilding.com. I like these and will get to these, but I need a good, comfortable, established "regular" eating plan to return to in between.

So here I have started Week #2. I weighed in this morning and I lost 2.2 pounds from last week. So that's something!

I say I'm Just Doing It because I don't feel like I have figured anything out that is going to be the one key to my success except that it's the Doing that counts. So I'm Doing. I'm making mistakes and learning from them. In the past I worried too much about making mistakes and doing it right. And because of this there was always a part of me holding back, until I felt I had it figured out. But now I'm trying to not hold back and to be present and fully in whatever the moment is, which will mean making those mistakes, feeling those mistakes, digesting those feelings, and moving on.

I don't know what to expect from an online community such as this. But I could always use friends, encouragement, and the benefit of their wisdom and experience!

How are your health efforts going for you?

Thank you!


  • TheWaistBasket
    TheWaistBasket Posts: 56 Member
    I started yesterday in the evening and I think the 'baseline' eating plan makes sense. I have no plan, got overwhelmed by posters who meant well, but also showed me how much I don't know, other than eating unhealthy and too much.

    I am morbidly obese and I have made an appointment with a dietician. Never thought I would need that or have the guts to call and ask for help. I think it means I am serious.

    I have gotten a few friends but will need an army marching with me. I would be happy to be your MFP friend.