Help with obese beginner fitness routine please~!


I'm back and with a battle plan! Well... sort of! That's why I'm posting here, for some input from you lovely folks!

I'm a 30 year old woman who had Gastric Bypass in August 2019. I went from 400lbs to 275lbs. Today I had an appointment with a surgeon to get the Pinealectomy/abdominoplasty and that seemed to go well. He said I was a great candidate! Yay! The only thing is, my BMI is still a bit too high so he said i need to lose at least 25lbs (or be at 250lbs) for 6 months before we can go ahead to the next step. I'm so excited, it will be sooooooooooooooo much less painful without this frumpy tum tum!

In any case, I'm here to ask for some beginner fitness routines that i can transition into more intense workouts down the line. I can't really afford a gym membership or a trainer so anything that i can do at home will help. I do have a variety of tools/weights and whatnot at home so feel free to mention anything and i can say whether or not i have the tools! I am still pretty big but i am fairly decently fit. I work as a custodian so I am usually on my toes. I can currently walk almost endlessly as boredom is really the only factor. I am not a long distance runner and can do a couple short bursts but that's it. I'm not very strong at the moment and my joints are weak like spaghetti but I will try my best!! I also am currently figuring out a medical issue which has come to be known as Cholinergic urticaria, which is a type of hives brought on by raised body temperature. It typically develops when you exercise or sweat. So that's something to work around too. (Bummer right!?)

I think my problem is that I'm not sure what exercises to do.. how long to do them or even how intense to do them. I often run into the problem where i over work myself and am out for several days after a workout. Which by the time i recover i don't end up wanting to go through it again. Please oh please, can someone help me!


  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    Would swimming be an option for you? Exercise is for health and well-being but to lose weight, you need to be in a calorie deficit.
  • Nikorable
    Nikorable Posts: 13 Member
    Would swimming be an option for you? Exercise is for health and well-being but to lose weight, you need to be in a calorie deficit.

    I would like to do swimming once gyms are open again. I was thinking about doing a liquid physio gym type of thing :)
    That's true. I'm not even sure what the right deficit is for me. As a custodian I think I'm considered lightly active. So it says 1800 calories daily.

    Thanks for the comment!! I appreciate it!
  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,346 Member
    What exercise do you enjoy? If you can find one which you like doing, it feels easier and you’re more likely to stick to it - even if it makes you sore! So you could look on YouTube for some gentle dance workouts, or if you’ve got a Wii you can do loads of stuff on there from yoga, to dance to boxercise. You will likely feel sore when you start any new programme, and just start gently until you get more used to it. I still get DOMS from working out but I really enjoy my exercise and that keeps me going back. Have fun trying free stuff and see what you enjoy, and you can then build up gently. Good luck! 😀
  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    edited May 2021
    Why do you find walking to be boring? I think it's a good way to start.
    Beyond comfortable shoes, it requires no special equipment.
    You can set different routes to give variety and use mapmyrun to gauge distances.
    It's also easy to increase intensity by walking fast for a distance then slow down for a block or two to recover, repeat.
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    I'll second @Theo166, walking is perfectly cromulent exercise. Are there any parks or natural areas with walking/hiking trails near where you live? Check the website for your county or municipality, see if there's any info there - you might be surprised. Indoor cardio (i.e. treadmills, etc) bore me to tears, but walking outside, getting some fresh air and sunshine, encountering local flora and fauna? That's the good s***.
  • wi1234567890
    wi1234567890 Posts: 57 Member
    I would suggest that you look up Jessica Smith workouts on YouTube. She has workouts for people of all abilities and is very good at explaining the movements. There walking workouts, strength, stretching, completely on the floor, completely standing, knee friendly - I’m sure you’ll find something right for you.