Dumbbell Flys question

Gonna be starting these here very soon, looking to HOPEFULLY flatten my man boobs LOL. I have 20lbs an 32lbs dumbbells.

What are some Recommended reps an sets to help see results?



  • I started with 25lbs and have now moved up to 35lbs on each bar.

    I've started seeing a change in the first 6 weeks of doing is seriously and that was just through doing basic exercises regularly.

    Normally I would do
    4 sets of 10 flies
    4 sets of 10 flat flies (not sure of the name but basically laying on the floor and going from a arms straight to arms out to the side and back again)
    4 sets of 10 overhead press
    4 sets of 10 flat bench press

    10 squats in between each exercise set.

    That seems to be working for me and it really doesn't need to be massive weights if your doing the right reps for you regularly.

    I'm not claiming to know much but it certainly works for me.