Lunch Ideas that don't involve salad

yeags84 Posts: 26 Member
Hey everybody! I'm looking for some healthy lunch ideas that don't involve salad. I've tried the salad thing many times and it doesn't stick with me (I'm hungry less than an hour later) and I quite honestly can't stand the texture of lettuce.

Any ideas? When I eat the same thing day after day I get bored and that's when I fall off the healthy eating wagon.


  • Sunitagt
    Sunitagt Posts: 486 Member
    Try signing up for Hungry Girl newsletters. They send out recipes every week, and can be great for lunches. I make big batches during the weekend and then DH and I eat that with some fruit for work lunches.

    Crock pot recipes are also great for make-ahead meals.

    Sandwiches using sandwich thins are good, low calorie too.
  • itsscottwilder
    If the goal is to feel full and satisfy the hunger then it's time to up the protein.

    I'm not a big salad fan, but I eat it for the nutritional benefits. i just cook up 3 to 6 ounces of chicken and throw it in the salad.
  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    Hey everybody! I'm looking for some healthy lunch ideas that don't involve salad. I've tried the salad thing many times and it doesn't stick with me (I'm hungry less than an hour later) and I quite honestly can't stand the texture of lettuce.

    Any ideas? When I eat the same thing day after day I get bored and that's when I fall off the healthy eating wagon.

    I've actually started eating fresh fruit, dried fruit and nuts for snacks and lunch. I find the fibre in the fruit keeps me full and I don't feel like raiding the lolly/candy counter for a sweet fix.
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    I generally go for a 300-400 calorie lunch and if I'm not feeling a salad I will make a wrap (usually bulked up by lettuce or baby spinach but you said you don't like lettuce...) or a sandwich with a bell pepper or carrots on the side. I use Nature's Own wheat bread which is 100 calories for two slices, and then some sort of lunch meat and cheese to add up to another 150ish calories. Add the pepper or carrots onto that and I am satisfied. Another option would be soup and a sammich, usually a lower cal sammich depending on the soup.
  • Minnie2361
    Minnie2361 Posts: 281 Member
    Whole wheat pasta 1 cup cooked, add 2 tbsp. of hummus to pasta and stir, 1 tbsp. parmesan cheese {light} and a dash of pepper.
    5 cooked ready to eat asparagus spears.
    One fruit serving a plum, apple, peach, strawberries. berries.
  • MexicanOsmosis
    MexicanOsmosis Posts: 382 Member
    If the goal is to feel full and satisfy the hunger then it's time to up the protein.

  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    grilled chicken wrap
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    I eat a lot of fish. On Sunday night I'll bake a few pieces of tilapia or swai seasoned with lemon pepper and sprinkled with a bit of parmesan cheese.

    I also like quinoa as a base for meals--my standard is to mix in chick peas, asparagus, and a bit of goat cheese. However, you can add whatever you like--it's a perfect protein, so very healthy and filling.

    Finally, someone mentioned hummus which I also like to eat with either raw veggies or triscuits--makes a great snack.
  • ecka723
    ecka723 Posts: 148 Member
    For me, I pretty much have leftovers every day for lunch. It's just me at the moment (my husband is out of state for work), but I would always cook double. It worked perfectly, as there are so many recipes that are 4 servings, rather than 2. I get to be the same way, I get sick of the same foods all the time. I find that dinner's leftovers are the max of how many times in a row I can eat the same foods. If I happen to make a large dish, I save the leftovers for another day or freeze them, if possible.

    If that doesn't work for you, I used to have some staples on had that would get me out of my rut. Usually, it was whole wheat couscous with mushrooms and Parmesan, or a can of tuna to eat with whole wheat crackers.

    I hope you find something that works for you!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I'm retired now, but when I worked I ate leftovers for my lunches. (Still do.) When there were leftovers, I would dish them into lunch sized portions and freeze them in microwaveable dishes. I also love salads, and added left over meats to my salads. Between the two approaches I didn't get bored. Back then, my portions were too big, and I also ate too many other snacks. I always ate healthy foods, I just ate too much. MPF has taught me about the power of portion control. Good luck.
  • Adrianachiarato
    Adrianachiarato Posts: 362 Member
    Whole grain bread with pickes, chicken or tuna paste, a few slices of boiled eggs. Very filling.
  • FarEastTexan
    I made a huge roast this weekend, it's just the two of us so we have tons of left overs. I like shredding it and putting it in a whole wheat tortilla or wrap with some homemade salsa for lunch. Sooooo good! If that doesn't fill me up I'll add an apple - not too many cals and pretty filling.
  • swweetpea
    Everybody has said leftovers, for a reason. They are the best lunches! Prep-free, warm, delicious, you know the nutritional content of it (as long as you logged it the night before :D ).

    If you don't like lettuce salads but still want to get some veggies in at lunch time, what about roasted vegetable.... salads. Heh. I know you said no salad. But this is different! Roast some vegetables, whatever you like (my favourites are pumpkin, broccoli, tomato, mushrooms, courgettes) and then throw in some other tasty bits! I add combinations of leftover meat, hardboiled eggs, olives, feta, pesto, nuts, leftover rice/pasta/quinoa, beans or lentils. It's great without dressing but a really nice one is soy sauce/balsamic/honey mixed together in equal amounts :)

    In winter, I'll make a big pot of soup and heat that up for lunch and have it with either toast or steamed vegetables with cheese melted on top.

    Or, if I'm feeling lazy/am short of time, I'll have a few of the following packed up in ziplock backs: almonds, cheese cubes, tuna cans, jerky, carrot/cucumber sticks, hardboiled eggs.
  • swweetpea
    Also! Have you tried coleslaw? It's got a different texture from lettuce, and I find it satisfies me in a way lettuce salads don't :) it's really good with tuna on top!
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    leftover dinner. muffin tin fritattas (take ten mins, taste awesome, ask if you want a recipe :) ), salads done with stuff you do like the texture of (a fave of mine is courgette and carrot grated together with lemon zest, mint and sunflower seeds), yoghurt and fruit, apple and cheese with a couple crackers, whatever really. I don't subscribe to the 'this is a breakfast food, thisis a dinner food'thing. eat what you want when you want it, if it fits your plan;
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    1 can tuna or salmon (120 calories)
    1 serving wheat thins crackers (~150 calories IIRC)
    1 container greek yogurt (100-150 depending on brand & flavor)
    fruit (varies depending on type)
    400-500 calories (you can drop the fruit if that's too much & put it for a snack later)


    1 boiled egg (90 calories)
    1 slice 100% whole wheat bread (~100 calories)
    1 oz Pepper Jack cheese (100 calories) … or substitute your favorite cheese, I like Pepper Jack because the spicy adds a lot more flavor without calories
    1 bell pepper, red or yellow, chopped, or 4-5 mini peppers (30 calories?)
    300-400 calories

    Mix them up, change things around, these are just a couple of ideas from my easy-to-pack lunches. :wink:
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    I like to make "salads" that are things like chickpeas, bell peppers, zucchini, avocado and chicken. In a lemony vinaigrette. Or I just eat my dinner leftovers.

    If I am actually eating a salad, I like to bulk it up with beans or grains.

    In the winter, I love to make lentil soups. With kale and sausage. Or curry powder and sweet potatoes and tomatoes.
  • dorrien12
    I like to make chicken salad (eat 4oz) and have with unsalted top saltines (11-15) and 4 oz of Motts Natural Applesauce (add cinnamon). 426 calories and quite satifying.

    Chunk Chicken Breast in a can
    Boiled eggs (optional)
    Seasoning of choice
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Turkey sandwiches are my go-to lunch, with a salad for later snacking.
    Or tuna sandwiches

    Or boil up some chicken, shred it, add a bit of mayo and fresh fruit, BAM, chicken salad.

    Caprese salads are yummy.

    Pasta salads are cheap and easy. Get some multicolored Rotini pasta, add in some diced, steamed veggies and a can of tuna with an olive oil/balsamic vinegar drizzle.

    Honestly, lunch is the easy part.
  • EmmaOnTrack
    EmmaOnTrack Posts: 425 Member

    I've taken to adding chopped spinach to the eggs before cooking, then piling the surface high with ham, mushrooms, caramelised onion and (gasp) grated cheese...then pop the whole thing under the grill/broiler till the cheese starts going golden brown and serve it without folding.

    Voila - omelette pizza.

    Also, I bought a pie maker a few months ago and it's my best investment ever. A spinach/lite ricotta/cheese filling in low fat pastry is only 152 cals and makes a FANTASTIC lunch on the run. Have done similar with cauliflower in a cheese sauce. Mmmm...pies.