Women over 50 - is it really possible to bulk?



  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,052 Member
    edited May 2021
    I'm 44 and know I need to bulk to meet my strength/muscle-growth goals. Also, I've recently lost about 12 pounds in 6.5 weeks which I attribute mainly to being on an elimination diet; I had only wanted to lose 5-7. I had a BMI of 22; now it's 20.2. I know I look a bit "scrawny" in some parts, as I've never been small and don't have a small frame I can now see my first ribs that I didn't see before. However, I get your concern about bulking from not only an age standpoint, but a psychological one as well. I have struggled with weight for maybe 3/4th of my life, and to now be on this side of it is very strange and not a position I'd ever thought I'd be in. I also keep thinking I"m going to regain the weight as I add more foods back into my diet.

    I think I'm going to give myself a month doing what I'm doing now, and then eat in a small surplus, like 100-150 calories/day. Keep us updated on your progress!

    I identify with the struggle. It sounds like we have similar plans. Please update us on your progress, too!

    ETA: I hope the elimination diet helps sort out whatever was the catalyst for it and that you find a WoE that feels better to you.
  • Ara_the_halfelven
    Ara_the_halfelven Posts: 19 Member
    I'm 65 and having no problem gaining muscle, and I only started a couple of years ago.. However you do need to do it right & give yourself every chance you can. Your weight gain should be about 0.5 - 0.75 kg per MONTH. And your daily surplus calories should be around 75. Make sure you get enough protein, 1g per pound of body weight. and follow a good training plan. I use www.aworkoutroutine.com.
    I also find supplementing with creating to be a major benefit. Good Luck.