Anyone else on here have CFS?

Hi - I started with MFP last Wednesday as I find conventional weekly meetings difficult due to my CFS - never know if I am going to be on a good day or a bad day. Would love to have some friends on here who are also trying to loose weight and get fit while suffering with M E or C F S whatever you prefer to call it. x


  • I have CFS. One of my main reasons for getting fit is to have more energy. Of course I can't predict my health on any given day, but I can control how i take care of my body.
  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member
    I have had it since about 1986, when it was lovingly called Yuppy Flu.

    I have had periods of absolute 0 movement. Periods of energy when I was a full time aerobics instructor. Periods of great weight gain, when I was also diagnosed with anaemia.

    I am now just about able to maintain the right amount of stress relief and movement to be able to stick to a weight loss plan. I have only just started exercise again, previous attempts resulted in relapses, fortunately relatively short lived.

    Good luck in taming your version of the beast :-D
  • Hi - yes we can control that at least x
  • Thank you for your reply - I feel far less alone now x
  • jelibe
    jelibe Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I too have ME. I've had it for 6 years now and I've been stable, of sorts, for around 4. I'm unable to do most tasks, exercise (even a small amount of warm up tai chi kills me) or work. I was recommended here from a friend and I'm enjoying this app very much. In this month I've only lost a couple of pounds but I'm not discouraged. It's hard but I'm trying my best.
    I wonder if I'll be able to loose any weight that's near my goal, I'm at the start of a long road and that road is yellow :-) Let's all follow it together.
  • smelons
    smelons Posts: 450 Member
    Yes! Feel free to add me if you want a friend.
  • Hi, I too have ME. I am just about to start doing 5:2 again after a hiatus of nearly 2 years for a bout of glandular fever (on top of the normal level of ME). I use the app to track my calorie intake on fast days. Anyone who'd like to add me as a friend for mutual encouragement from someone who understands trying to lose weight with this illness is very welcome to. Good luck with it!
  • missvincent23
    missvincent23 Posts: 25 Member
    i have M.E & Fibro