


  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    I take Fish Oil for my cholesterol. That combined with proper eating and exercise took nearly 50 pts. off my cholesterol in 3 months.
    My vitamin D (specific) levels were so low I've been asked to take 50,000 IUs of Vit D once/month. It seems to have helped. Next blood work is in 6 months.
    Other than that I don't take anything and all of my other levels were a-ok.
  • jessudd
    jessudd Posts: 133 Member
    I've never noticed much difference when I did or did not take vitamins except when it comes to vitamin B12... I actually found out I needed it when I developed a severe canker sore and learned that they can be caused by deficiencies in vitamins such as B12. It definitely worked for me, and is the only vitamin I take regularly (I have others that I take when I remember), but every body and diet is different. You might talk to your doctor for specific recommendations for your diet and lifestyle.