220lbs-need snack idea thats less filling than popcorn.



  • oddawa1974
    oddawa1974 Posts: 14 Member
    @ psychme, I wasnt ready to begin my diet back in 2012 and pulled back within a few days. This time however I am striving very hard to succeed. I am looking for a career advancement, fundraising, representing the organization. Reality set in...if I really want success in career I need to work on my appearance as well. Sadly, obese people are frowned upon, viewed as lazy or considered weak because of lack of control over their eating habits., and if your organization is based on image...you will be passed on for someone else. I dont agree with the shallow views of many people. I will be honest...I wasnt obese until 2010 when i was released from prison...I ate everything in sight when I was released...before I was obese I had those same shallow views. Becoming obese myself it was a real eye opener. I see how I am treated differently because I am obese. So yes, I have to make these changes in myself. I will not sit back and allow obesity to prevent me from achieving my career goals. Since 2012 I have been promoted twice but the positions I am seeking now has alot to do with how I look as well as education and experience. I don't have as many opportunities as other people have due to my felony...which is my fault completely...I have worked hard, studied hard, by myself, to be where I'm at today (3 years) career wise. So far what I've done in 3 years time...many of my coworkers have been doing it over 15 years...and I am already ahead of them. Thank you for bringing up my failure in 2012....that is a real motivator. :)
  • 13ftw67
    13ftw67 Posts: 35 Member
    Nitrate free beef jerky. awesome stuff low calorie high protein. try perky jerky 180 calories in the whole package. Jack links has 210 calories per package.
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    Hi there!

    First off congrats on taking the steps to becoming healthier!

    Is there a reason you eat popcorn for lunch and cereal for lunch and dinner? I know if it fits for your calories than fine , but surely you can add some better nutrition in there. Something that will help keep you full and satisfied. Instead of snack ideas, perhaps some meal ideas will be more helpful. Eating something healthier and more nutritional is definitely a better option.

    Lunch ideas:

    Greek Yogurt with mixed berries and granola(or pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds, etc. All unsalted)
    Turkey Sandwich(Whole grain, light or no mayo, mustard, spinach/greens) with a Banana
    Spring Mix or spinach greens salad with grilled Chicken breast, Salmon or Shrimp. Light Dressing.
    Apple Slices with a Tablespoon of Natural Peanut Butter, Banana and 1/4 unsalted trailmix

    Dinner Ideas
    Grilled Chicken, Salmon, etc with Steamed veggies Small Side Salad
    Twice Baked Sweet Potato stuffed with Broccoli, asparagus, kale(or your other favourite veggies)
    Shrimp Stir-fry. Swap rice with a bed of broccoli slaw.
    Whole Wheat Spaghetti with Turkey Meatballs. Light on the sauce.

    I hope this helps!

    Good luck! :smile:
  • Looking2blittler
    Looking2blittler Posts: 39 Member
    I agree with those that said to add a salad, lots of veggies, and the calories aren't too bad...Maybe even a small amount of light or reduced fat cheese for the calcium. Just beware of what dressings you use, they can really jack up the calories. I love the salad stritzers, which are zero cals, and I also love Zaxby's light ranch. Also - if you like yogurt, make your own yogurt parfait with some fresh fruit, yogurt and granola crumbles. If I come up with anything on my own, I will let you know. :) Good luck!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I agree, even with a 1200 calorie limit you can have more fulfilling meals than popcorn & fruit.

    Some lunch ideas:
    -Sandwich on whole wheat bread: ham and cheese or grilled chicken breast and provalone or turkey and swiss (you get the idea), add mustard for flavor (I don't use mayo, only mustard) and spinach instead of lettuce.
    - can tuna or salmon (just open, drain, and eat), 1 serving wheat thins crackers (that's about 15), 1 red or yellow bell pepper (or 4-5 mini peppers), Greek Yogurt
    -salad made from Romaine Lettuce, Spinach, raw broccoli, raw cauliflower, tomato, baby carrots, cucumber, etc. Add some cubed cheese and a bit of meat (ham, grilled chicken, even leftover steak cut up), a tb of sunflower seeds, and 1-2 Tbs of dressing (measure the dressing!!!!!)

    Dinner ideas:
    -quesadilla made from pinto beans, shredded cheddar (weigh out 1/2 to 1 ounce) and tortillas, fried in the pan with a very little bit of butter
    -chili, beans & ham, split pea soup, etc
    -grilled or baked fish with rice (brown is better) and steamed broccoli or some other veggie
    -chicken breast grilled or baked with veggies and a small baked potato
    -pork chop (baked) with sweet potato and green beans

    While weight loss itself is thermodynamics (calories in<calories out = lose weight), nutrition is very important: the quality of your calories matter for overall health. You NEED vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins (beans, meat, etc) and some source of calcium … all those little vitamins help keep your body running well!

    ETA: I understand the frustration of being judged by time as a member and ticker weight … I've been a member for over 2 years and my ticker says 2 lbs lost … but that 2 years includes a pregnancy (not losing there, but gaining weight!), plus I reset my ticker for the new year (OK, it's sad I've only lost 2 lbs since January, but that's what it is)
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I would also suggest cutting out the 3 pepsi max drinks daily... all that fizz will fill you up to where you maybe can't fit healthier foods in you.
  • mrslcoop
    mrslcoop Posts: 317 Member
    Replace popcorn with veggies. I work desk job (graveyard) by myself dealing with drug addict/alcoholic clients so I dont get a lunch break...eat while I work. So (finger food) veggies/bites of meat would be doable for lunch. Not much a meat eater. So nuts or protein of other source is ideal. I'm not big on dinner meals because I go to bed as soon as I get home. Wow...now I look at my eating habits...its all mainly quick stuff...barely any cooked meals. Just don't have time to cook. :(

    My eating schedule is backwards bfast is nighttime, lunch around 3am, dinner around 9am - most of the time too tired to eat dinner.

    Might I suggest protein powder (whey)? It's usually around 100 calories and 25 g of protein. Super easy. Just shake in a blender bottle with cold water and enjoy. It's also very filling.
  • SkinnyMsFitness
    SkinnyMsFitness Posts: 389 Member
    Cashews or other nuts
    Granola/Fiber bars
    WATER (Seriously keeps ya feelin content!!)
    Sugar free Gum - very helpful with cravings!
    String cheese
  • brixtonbanner
    brixtonbanner Posts: 71 Member
    looking at that sample meal you showed you are almost a Raw fruitarian
    A good thing I wish I could be
    If you are into fruit a lot you could do a lot worse
    no end of snacks grapes, bananas, etc. etc.
    why don't you have a look on the tinterweb at Vegan,fruitarian or Raw diets (not as in "I'm on a diet" but what I eat diet)?
    Of all the people I have seen of whom I have thought that they look a tad large they've always been meat eaters
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Add some type of fat to your popcorn - butter, olive oil, coconut oil, whatever your preference. A little will add a lot of calories. And have a glass of chocolate milk made with chocolate protein powder with it.