Losing lockdown pounds

First time really giving the app a go. Not new to calorie counting. Work full time and two kids and desperate to ‘find’ more time to move and work out. Hormonal issues. Gained about 16lbs over 18 months - after starting SSRIs. Happy to chat.


  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,303 Member
    Hi, @mrsmoz22 Welcome to MFP.

    So you’re already familiar with calorie counting. That’s a start. Have you been able to to enter your data and create your goal?

    First off, congrats on realizing you need to do something now, instead of waiting twenty five years like I did. I have no memory of my mom being anything but obese, and neither did my own kids. The last time they saw me (pre COVID) was something of a shock.

    Being an empty nester, I don’t have much to offer, except, could you involve your kids? Make it a fun thing? Family walks, active family games like (jeez showing my age here) Twister, or some of those interactive video games?

    I sincerely wish I’d set a better example for my kids, but I parroted the same junk my mom told me,”you’ll be fat like me some day”. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Fortunately neither is, but that’s NO thanks to me.
  • Foxotia
    Foxotia Posts: 21 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I am on SSRI and also battle with hormone issues (PCOS/CAH), so getting the weight off whilst still feeling satiated has always been a challenge to me. I will send you over a friend request, my diary is always public, and I like to share meal pictures and small accomplishments as well. 🤗