I'm doing 30 Day Shred: Should I take a rest day?

I've been doing 30DS every day since Friday. Should I be doing it every other day? Is it bad for me to do the same workout without a rest day? I don't want to injure myself.

Thanks for any feedback.


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I didn't unless I had to.

    My first round I took 3days...1 because my son flipped his car, 2nd day laying Sod for my sister and 3rd I was away at the cottage....

    If you feel like your body needs it take a day....
  • orianacastellanos
    orianacastellanos Posts: 4 Member

    Normally tomorrow I'm finishing the 30DS. I say normally because I did it for 25 days in a row and it has been 4 days I haven't move a finger... I'm so disapointed and ashamed of letting go at the end when I was almost there....
    Maybe I did it wrong. I only did the 30DS (without any other activity) and, as I found 20 min could be short, I did 2 sessions per day (level one for 10 days, levels 1 and 2 for 10 days, levels 2 and 3 for 10 days...well for 5 days). Honestly I felt physically exhausted and my knees are in pain...I think that was the main reason I couldn't finish.

    In the other hand, my boyfriend is doing it at his own rythm. He never exceeds 2 days without doing it and only does one session per day. He also stays in one level until he feels confortable in it and then moves to the following one (not necessarily following the 10 days duration per level). He feels great and he has seen much more results than I have (both of us don't have much weight to lose).

    I know that, as it's selled, we could understand that we have to do it every day for 30 days. I also know that I'm telling you two "extreme" stories. But that has been my experience and if I should give you an advise: listen to your body and do it more like my boyfriend and not like me :-)

    Good luck!
  • c_tap77
    c_tap77 Posts: 189 Member
    I'm in the middle of 30DS right now and I've taken several rest days from that program. Its a little rough on my feet and knees so on my off days I've been doing the elliptical.

    I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that even Jillian herself said that the workouts were intended to have some rest days and that the title is a little misleading. But if you don't feel like you need one, I don't see any reason you HAVE to take one. If you need one then it might do you some good.

    I try to listen to my body. I know when my knees hurt going up and down the stairs at work, it might be time to take a day off from the impact of 30DS. But I still try to keep moving every day.

    As long as I don't spend more than a day or two away from it, it doesn't seem to hurt my endurance or progress.

    I've lost a TON of inches already and I'm only halfway through level 2 :)
  • mellenorris
    mellenorris Posts: 99 Member
    What others are saying. Listen to your body.

    What are your goals?

    Looking to lose weight? Skip a day, be really conscious of what you put in your mouth on skip days, and pick it up the next day.

    Looking to tone up? If a specific part of your body is tight/sore and giving you injury concern, skip the moves that use that part of your body OR find another workout entirely that doesn't use the injured part(s). So for example, if your shoulders are giving you trouble, maybe skip the push ups and modify moves that involve swinging the arms around. Ice up, and take care of your body! There's no shame in a rest day - or two - as long as you give it your all!

    There is no shame in skipping days. Life happens! People drop these programs because they met up with friends and had to skip a day - forget that! It's still a great program, and WILL transform your body if you keep at it and exercise control on days off.
  • Good morning! I heard on a podcast of hers that you should take two days off. Five on, and two off. It annoyed me that she also said that the 30DS is totally outdated and you should be doing her new one... but you know... I am sure that was partly to sell the new one.

    I am kinda in the same boat as you. I was 110% until day 21 and then got burned out. That was about three months ago. I took up other things and just haven't gone back. It was a great program and I think it will show results if you stick to it. My endurance increased a lot and my strength did too.

    Good luck!
  • laurie62ann
    laurie62ann Posts: 433 Member
    I found her program to be hard on my knees and wrist. I was unable to do more than 5 days! I have switched to Kelly Coffee-Myers and have seen amazing results. She has several DVD"s that I got on Amazon!
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,640 Member
    I would take 1 rest day a week. If your body feels like it needs more than that then take more.
  • I only do the 30 Day Shred 2-3 days a week. I walk 4 miles the other days except on Sundays I rest that day. My doctor told me that our muscles need at least one day of rest to repair themselves. Plus this way it kinda mixes things up so I don't get bored or my body doesn't get use to the same workout. I also use Hip Hop Abs too somedays.
  • trustymutsi
    trustymutsi Posts: 174 Member
    Thanks for all the great feedback guys!

    I am looking to tone up AND lose weight.

    I like the idea of 5 days on, 2 days off. Yesterday, before I started my third session, my arms were so sore (I STILL can't straighten them out all the way) I didn't think I'd be able to finish. I had to take a few 5 second breaks duting the first circuit, but for circuit 2 & 3 I was able to do EVERYTHING, and I've never been able to do that before. That was super encouraging. I mus be getting stronger :)

    So I think I can hopefully handle 2 more days before taking a break.

    It IS frustrating when these guys keep saying "Oh, you need to move on to my NEW program!" :(

    I hope to move on to Power 90 or P90X after this, depending on how well I can complete level 3 at the end.
  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    So far I have done 5 days of ripped in 30 level 1 then moved to 30ds as it was easier on my joints. Today was day 8 in a row and Im going to do 10 days straight then have 1-2 days off and do that pattern for each level. I think JM would say to do the other workouts as they are newer and probably makes her more money when the newer dvds are sold. I dont know why there wasnt clearer instructions like with ripped in 30, she says to do it 5 days on 2 days off each level
  • totem12
    totem12 Posts: 194 Member
    I did it for 30 days straight, but I'm quite young and don't yet have any troublesome body parts, plus I was using very light weights. No injuries or strain but that was probably somewhat lucky. I think the recommendation for Ripped in 30 has changed to 5-6 times a week, so I would apply that to 30 Day Shred as well.
  • P3MK
    P3MK Posts: 23
    I think I am going to go back on this tomorrow after listening to the feedback today!

    Heres to a new me!! :smile:
  • trustymutsi
    trustymutsi Posts: 174 Member
    I think I am going to go back on this tomorrow after listening to the feedback today!

    Heres to a new me!! :smile:

    Awesome, go for it!

    Thanks again for the feedback. I'm definitely going with 5 on, 2 off.

    I'm also using 5 lb weights, so I think I'm putting a bit more strain on my muscles than in the video.