I am back after more than 3 years!

Hey I am back! I got the premium deal this time as I am a bariatric patient and 1200-1500 calories are crazy. (when I am eating correctly!!!! ) I am 6 years post-op and have 30 lbs to lose, but I feel when I was logging everything I was doing much better!
This past year or so has been crazy, and I have been eating so much junk that I had to do a complete re-set of my gut. I did that, felt great for a week, then my mom went in for open-heart surgery, and I was eating crap again. Today I started with the detox tea again. Everything in my world is as settled as it ever will be, so I just hope I can hold on and start taking care of ME>


  • MaltedTea
    MaltedTea Posts: 6,286 Member
    Welcome back, Lisa! Hope you continue to find healthier and healthier ways to reach your goals. Best of health to you and your mother.