T-25 HIIT training



  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    double post
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I also get close to these numbers going all out. (200-215) I was told by the doctors I work with that for my age, weight and conditioning, that would seem accurate within a 25-50 cal leeway. When I was more out of shape, my cal readings were much higher and 40 pounds ago, they were much higher. Some people have higher heart rates naturally, but you know if you are working hard, you know if are burning calories. Everyone has a different metabolism and weight loss though. I also noticed my heart rate drops much faster now that I have been doing HIIT for a long time, another plus I was told at my last doctor visit. That also might make the HRM drop when recovering a bit.

    I try to not let the numbers on the HRM or scale make me crazy, it's how I look, my clothes fit and how I feel. They can be guides but not totally accurate.