Organize lists

Hello! Is there a way to organize my food/exercise list so they are easier to find for my daily journal??
For example, alphabetically, etc


  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member

    Yes there is. On the desktop site, when you go to Add Food, there is a tiny dropdown over to the right that says "Sort by:" and your options are "Default" or "Name." "Default" is reverse-chronological (most recent first), "Name" is alphabetical (A-Z). On the Android app, you'll see a button on the right just above the food list; tap that and you can filter or configure your sorting algorithm. Your sort options there include Most Recent, Most Frequent, A-Z, or Z-A.

    You can also filter your list to show foods you've logged for all meals or just the one you're adding a food to now.
  • TX_Bluebonnet
    TX_Bluebonnet Posts: 244 Member
    Also, with the Android app you can start typing a word into the search box to get to an item faster. For example, if I want to enter Milk into my diary, I start typing "mil" into the search box and all the foods I've used that have milk in the title are displayed before I even get to the last letter, "k". Or, if I type "thin" it brings up my Wheat Thins and Thin Crust Pizza food items. Typing "straw" brings up strawberries, and so on. This time saving feature is why I enter my foods through the phone app instead of on the computer.