The Truth About Olive Oil



  • snowbike
    snowbike Posts: 153 Member
    Apparently its all nonsense and even if oils do produce toxins, our bodies are quite capable of coping with it...
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Basically that is true. Olive oil is great for salads and dipping and some cooking. But at a high heat it goes to GMO, much like canola oil. You can use it in smoothies and shakes and things like that. Spray it on popcorn. It's a good oil. But only up to 375 degrees. I generally cook with coconut oil.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I hope taking hot showers won't make me go to GMO.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    Low smoke point.
    this is the only reason i can think of.

    But at a high heat it goes to GMO

  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Basically that is true. Olive oil is great for salads and dipping and some cooking. But at a high heat it goes to GMO, much like canola oil. You can use it in smoothies and shakes and things like that. Spray it on popcorn. It's a good oil. But only up to 375 degrees. I generally cook with coconut oil.


    Do you know what GMO means? Because I do not think that you do...
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I cook with it all the time, and I've never noticed any differences when used over a high heat or a low heat. Granted, I've never paid much attention to the level of heat before this thread, but I think its suffice to say that the difference is negligible if I've never noticed a difference in my own cooking.

    I have baked with it at above 375, I've fried with it, and I've stir-fried with it. This whole thread seems a tad ridiculous to me.
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    Basically that is true. Olive oil is great for salads and dipping and some cooking. But at a high heat it goes to GMO, much like canola oil. You can use it in smoothies and shakes and things like that. Spray it on popcorn. It's a good oil. But only up to 375 degrees. I generally cook with coconut oil.

  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    Basically that is true. Olive oil is great for salads and dipping and some cooking. But at a high heat it goes to GMO, much like canola oil. You can use it in smoothies and shakes and things like that. Spray it on popcorn. It's a good oil. But only up to 375 degrees. I generally cook with coconut oil.


  • scottaworley
    scottaworley Posts: 871 Member
    So I've heard rumors that you shouldn't cook with Olive Oil...? :noway: Is this true? If so, what could I use instead? Coconut oil?

    I never cook with olive oil. I used to go out with this French guy who told me that in France olive oil is a 'table oil' meaning they use it to dress salads/food, not to cook with. I've certainly seen this a lot in Spain too. Apparently it burns at high temps causing toxins or something to be released. I cook with rapeseed oil or vegetable oil as these oils can take higher temperatures before 'burning' and becoming noxious .... is noxious a word?

    You know what I mean :indifferent:

    lol rapeseed.
  • scottaworley
    scottaworley Posts: 871 Member
    I hope taking hot showers won't make me go to GMO.

    IDK what's your smoke point?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I hope taking hot showers won't make me go to GMO.

    IDK what's your smoke point?
    Is there some kind of test I can take to find out. People say GMO is bad and I don't want to go there.
  • scottaworley
    scottaworley Posts: 871 Member
    I hope taking hot showers won't make me go to GMO.

    IDK what's your smoke point?
    Is there some kind of test I can take to find out. People say GMO is bad and I don't want to go there.
    I think it's like TDEE-20%
  • FindingMyself24
    FindingMyself24 Posts: 613 Member
    Is it okay to fry stuff in olive oil as long as the temperature does not get too high? I was googling smoke points of oils and found this site...

    I am assuming all oils have their own smoke point...we just need to make sure we dont cook that specific oil past that point. Right?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Is it okay to fry stuff in olive oil as long as the temperature does not get too high? I was googling smoke points of oils and found this site...

    I am assuming all oils have their own smoke point...we just need to make sure we dont cook that specific oil past that point. Right?
    It won't hurt you if you do. It just basically gets rid of the nutrients so you don't get those when you eat it.

    But basically, yes.
  • BelleVegan77
    BelleVegan77 Posts: 70 Member
    I had a dietition tell me coconut oil isn't actually good for you either.
  • FindingMyself24
    FindingMyself24 Posts: 613 Member
    Is it okay to fry stuff in olive oil as long as the temperature does not get too high? I was googling smoke points of oils and found this site...

    I am assuming all oils have their own smoke point...we just need to make sure we dont cook that specific oil past that point. Right?
    It won't hurt you if you do. It just basically gets rid of the nutrients so you don't get those when you eat it.

    But basically, yes.

    What freaked me out was that i came across a site and even found it on here something about the oil producing or turning into a carcinogenic which causes cancer....
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,000 Member
    I cook with at, but only at lower heats. For high heats, like popping popcorn, I use sunflower oil. Even if I need hotter for stirfry, I'll use something else. But for medium heat, i use it. Soup base starter for me is always mixture of olive oil and ghee, add onions, go from there.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Is it okay to fry stuff in olive oil as long as the temperature does not get too high? I was googling smoke points of oils and found this site...

    I am assuming all oils have their own smoke point...we just need to make sure we dont cook that specific oil past that point. Right?
    It won't hurt you if you do. It just basically gets rid of the nutrients so you don't get those when you eat it.

    But basically, yes.

    What freaked me out was that i came across a site and even found it on here something about the oil producing or turning into a carcinogenic which causes cancer....

    Whenever you see something like that, make sure to do additional research and consider the source.
  • FindingMyself24
    FindingMyself24 Posts: 613 Member
    Is it okay to fry stuff in olive oil as long as the temperature does not get too high? I was googling smoke points of oils and found this site...

    I am assuming all oils have their own smoke point...we just need to make sure we dont cook that specific oil past that point. Right?
    It won't hurt you if you do. It just basically gets rid of the nutrients so you don't get those when you eat it.

    But basically, yes.

    What freaked me out was that i came across a site and even found it on here something about the oil producing or turning into a carcinogenic which causes cancer....

    Whenever you see something like that, make sure to do additional research and consider the source.

    Thats what i was a days almost everything can give you something lol
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,000 Member
    Oils and their smoke point

    One of the main things to consider when evaluating whether it is OK to heat extra-virgin olive oil (or any other oil for that matter) is the smoke point of the oil. The smoke point is the temperature at which visible gaseous vapor from the heating of oil becomes evident. It is traditionally used as a marker for when decomposition of oil begins to take place. Since decomposition incurs chemical changes that may not only result in reduced flavor and nutritional value but also the generation of harmful cancer causing compounds (oxygen radicals) that are harmful to your health, it is important to not heat oil past its smoke point. Inhaling the vapors can also be damaging.

    The smoke point is a natural property of unrefined oils, reflecting their chemical composition. When oil is refined, the process increases the oil's smoke point; in fact, raising the smoke point is one of the reasons why the refining process is used. To get a better idea of how refining increases the smoke point of oil, look at Table 1 that shows several examples.

    Table 1

    Oil type Smoke point
    Canola oil, unrefined 225°F
    Canola oil, semirefined 350°F
    Canola oil, refined 400°F
    Safflower oil, unrefined 225°F
    Safflower oil, semirefined 320°F
    Safflower oil, refined 450°F
    Soy oil, unrefined 320°F
    Soy oil, semirefined 350°F
    Soy oil, refined 450°F
    Sunflower oil, unrefined 225°F
    Sunflower oil, semirefined 450°F
    Sunflower oil, refined high-oleic 450°F
    Olive oil and its smoke point

    Before I discuss the specifics of the smoke point of olive oil, I want to clarify some terms used to define olive oils since these terms are often a source of confusion for many people:

    Extra-virgin: derived from the first pressing of the olives (has the most delicate flavor).
    Fine virgin: created from the second pressing of the olives.
    Refined oil: unlike extra-virgin and fine virgin olive oils, which only use mechanical means to press the oil, refined oil is created by using chemicals to extract the oil from the olives.
    Pure oil: a bit of a misnomer, it indicates oil that is a blend of refined and virgin olive oils.
    Now, unlike the information presented in Table 1, the information on olive oil smoke points is, unfortunately, not very clear or consistent since different companies list different smoke points for their olive oil products; this variability most likely reflects differences in degree of processing. Generally, the smoke point of olive oil ranges from 220-437°F. Most commercial producers list their pure olive smoke points in the range of 425-450°F while "light" olive oil products (which have undergone more processing) are listed at 468°F. Manufacturers of extra virgin oil list their smoke points in a range that starts "just under 200°F" and that extends all the way up to 406°F. Again, the variability here is great, and most likely reflects differences in the degree of processing.

    Practical tips

    In principle, organic, unrefined, cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil should have the lowest smoke point of all forms of olive oil since this form of the oil is the least refined, most nutrient dense and contains the largest concentration of fragile nutritive components. Oxidation of nourishing substances found in extra virgin olive oil, as well as acrylamide formation, can occur at cooking temperatures very closer to the 300°F/148°C range. For these reasons, I don't recommend cooking with extra virgin olive oil.
