Some daily motivation for you

Hello there!
Hope everyone is having a great weekend and crushing those fitness goals!

A phrase I keep repeating to myself whenever I work out is this:

"You only get out of this what you put into it."

It's helped me push through some of the toughest workouts I've tried yet!

What's something you repeat to yourself to get through those tough moments? I'd love to hear what others inner voices tell them to keep them going 😊❤️


  • FancyIsMyName
    FancyIsMyName Posts: 28 Member
    edited June 2021
    Sustainability over perfection.

    Coming up with a new lifelong strategy to fix my broken patterns. I’ve realized that I will *never* be over this, similar to those who work daily to maintain sobriety. When we consider all of the times we fell away and then came back with a vengeance, but it wasn’t sustainable and didn’t fit into our life long term.

    The first month, I’ve practiced tracking diligently, no matter what that day included. Never like tracking, but now it’s a routine. The next month is going to be bringing exercise back into my life.