Hi, again! (Again.)

pahky Posts: 14 Member
Hello! My name is Pia. I am 32. I’ve been trying to lose weight on and off since I was oh...10? I was always a fat child and adult.

Way back in 2016 I lost 128lbs in a year with CICO. That got me down to my lowest adult weight of 225 (from 353). I loved it. I felt so much better and it was shocking how much better people treated me. The best part though? I got to wear cute clothes. Not even special sizes! I could walk into a store and pick anything. Even if I didn’t look any different at all to myself from my highest weight, which was the weirdest thing.

Then I plateaued. Though I was doing two-a-days at the gym, I couldn’t handle the stall in the numbers and gave in to temptation. Eventually, I fell right back into my old habits and all these years later I’ve gained every pound back and a handful more for good measure.

I’m obviously very unhappy with where I am right now, but the only one who can do anything about that is me. And I’ve decided now is the time. Starting tomorrow, well, technically tonight but I didn’t log it, I am going to get back to it. I already know what I can do. I’ve done this before and, to be honest, it wasn’t that hard.

I just need to keep reminding myself of that, taking it one day at a time, and I’ll get back to where I was and then some!

I hope to get to know a lot of you all as time goes by and that we can be here to support each other. I’m always happy to make friends and my diary is always open, good or bad. I think transparency is very important.

I can’t wait to see how this goes!