
I started just a few days ago and I am surprised that I am still recording my information, I say this because keeping track of everything I eat has always been so unappealing to me. But this site does make it easy for me. I just made lunch, homemade mac n cheese. I now keep a small notebook handy and I document the calories, sodium, fiber and protein. I measured the cheese, the butter, etc even the noodles. This just baffles me, it is so unlike me.
After I realized how much sodium I had accumulated I deceided not to add the usual salt to the pot of boiling water for the pasta.

At this point for me it is still about what I am actually eating, intentionally changing portion sizes will come later. For now I am just taking the time to recognize what I am really eating.

When I say I measure the foods, ingrediants, I am not measuring out the recommended portion sizes, I am measuring what I would simply use if I was just making the food as usual, so I kind of do it backwards, I put each ingredient in a seperate bowl then once I have the amount I would normally use, I then take the ingredient and measure it (hope that makes sense) for this first week it is a little extra work (and extra dishes) but it will just be for the first week. Next week I will start using recommended portions sizes or comprimising between my normal size and the recommended size.

For me this is not about acheiving a specific weight or timeline, it is about me becoming knowledgable and making long term changes based on what I learn, the weight coming off is just the icing on the cake. Of course I want there to be a ripple effect, change habits, lose weight, feel better. But it is not about wanting a bikini body or looking good for a special event it is about me not wanting to feel tired, look tired, being lethargic, moody etc.

I am looking at my mother and all the health problems she is having and I don't want that to be me in 30yrs. her body is falling apart because she never took care of it.


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Sounds like you are on the right track
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    I too am shocked that Ive kept up with this for months now. Tracking food seemed like the dumbest thing ever to me and figured I would never do that. Now Im telling everyone I know that they should got on here and track food. My husband even mentioned about using it just to see how much he is eating. He doesnt want to lose weight or anything but just is curious as to how many calories he is eating a day. He does burn alot of calories with his job which is why is not worried about tracking food, just curious.
  • fabdiva
    fabdiva Posts: 3
    I absolutly relate to everything your just said! I started about two weeks ago and was just using the app on my ipod but wasn't recording everything cause it was a bit of a pain in the butt. When I finally got on the website I've been pretty good at recording everyday. Which has allowed me to be really aware about what I'm eating.