Wanting to connect with others on his fitness journey.

Hi, I've been using this app for a little while now but first time on the community.
I guess like many others I was really fit in my 20s but the last 10 years or so my habits changed and I found myself unhappy with my weight and fitness level.
When I was younger I struggled with food and was very under weight. Years later I found myself just over weight. Not badly but enough to want to sort it. I managed to get myself down to a healthy weight again and lowered my colestral. But I have blood pressure problems thta I have had for many years and I know if I can continue with improving my health it will help even if it lowers stress levels.
I'm just wanting to link up with like minded people that I can keep accountable with and that I can encourage and support also.
I'm a firm believer that what we eat and out fitness level effects us in so many ways, physically, mentally and emotionally just to mention a few and want to keep and progress with a healthy balanced life style.
Keep up the good work all of you.