Not losing weight in 3 weeks!

Thank you for reading

I am calorie counting bc evidence proves that's the basics.
I'm a binge eater and 30 lbs overweight. For over 3 weeks I have lowered my calories to an average of 1400. It has been very very difficult. I have lost 1lb. It was probably water weight!
I dont exercise much bc of physical limitations.
What gives?


  • lmf1012
    lmf1012 Posts: 402 Member
    Thank you for reading

    I am calorie counting bc evidence proves that's the basics.
    I'm a binge eater and 30 lbs overweight. For over 3 weeks I have lowered my calories to an average of 1400. It has been very very difficult. I have lost 1lb. It was probably water weight!
    I dont exercise much bc of physical limitations.
    What gives?

    For starters, bodies are weird and don’t always behave like we want them to. Most people on here will tell you to give it more time to work itself out. The first things to always check is to be sure you’re at a calorie deficit and you’re tracking accurately and diligently. If those are good to go, then be patient with it. A calorie deficit will lead to weight loss.

  • Ahgolds1234
    Ahgolds1234 Posts: 12 Member
    Wonder, how much are you losing per month
  • Iwannabeapunkrockmom
    Iwannabeapunkrockmom Posts: 61 Member
    I am in a calorie deficit all month long.

    My scale reflects weight loss only the day my period starts and the few days after. At which point I drop a few pounds over that week.

    Then I sit at the new weight for another month.

    Hormones are fun.

    This is exactly what happens to me. 💯
  • wunderkindking
    wunderkindking Posts: 1,615 Member
    I am in a calorie deficit all month long.

    My scale reflects weight loss only the day my period starts and the few days after. At which point I drop a few pounds over that week.

    Then I sit at the new weight for another month.

    Hormones are fun.

    This is exactly what happens to me. 💯

    at least it's a reason to look forward to my period, I guess!
  • Ahgolds1234
    Ahgolds1234 Posts: 12 Member
    It looks as though I was eating 1600 to 1700. The dr said to go to 1200 and go back up once I meet my goal. I may have been sustaining my weight. ..
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 11,200 Member were struggling for three weeks with what you thought was 1400, but was in reality 1600. Now your doctor wants you to do 1200 for the next 7 months?

    (To lose a pound requires a drop of 3500 calories. You lost 1 pound in 3 weeks, meaning you were eating 3500/21 = 167 calories per day below maintenance. If you were eating 1600, then for you maintenance is 1600+167 = 1767. The doctor wants you to eat 1200 which will net you 1767-1200 = 567 calories per day, or 3969 per week. To lose a pound requires a drop of 3500. So this gives 3969/3500 = 1.1 pounds per week. To reach the 30 pounds from your first post, this will take 30# / 1.1# per wk = 27 weeks.)

    This will take dedication plus planning, especially since this 7 month span will include the holiday season with all the temptations associated.

    That said, just because the scale doesn't move doesn't mean you didn't make progress. I went through a stretch of several months where the scale did not move, but my waist lost several inches. So try not to limit yourself to only considering weight as the be-all, end-all measurement of progress.