Your biggest household temptation and how you resist



  • aetzkorn14
    aetzkorn14 Posts: 169 Member
    pop tarts are my biggest down fall....I typically don't even keep them in the house because I will eat them. If I have met my sugars for the day however they are off limits. The calories they have just aren't worth it sometimes either.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    Oh God. Vanilla and caramel Drumsticks.

  • PippiNe
    PippiNe Posts: 283 Member
    I think having to answer to MFP every day helps keep me in check. My calories are set at 1200, so there isn't much wiggle room for treats. I am actually worried that when I move to maintenance that I will have a harder time keeping my cravings subdued, because I'll be allowed to have a few hundred more calories each day. I have managed to eat one chocolate chip cookie and walk away. It is difficult to do it, but I did and felt great about it. Best tips I can give you:

    - Take your allotted portion out of the package/container and put the rest away. Once your 'helping' is gone, you're done.
    - Have something to do outside the kitchen while you are eating your snack, do some laundry, pick up some toys, etc. Come back to the kitchen for a bite then go about your work. It makes your treat last longer and you can get sidetracked easier to keep yourself from over-indulging.
    - If you seriously don't think you can stop once you start, just don't have that particular item in the house. A bit more difficult if you have a family, but if it's not healthy for you, it's not healthy for them either. You're not necessarily depriving them, just helping them in a small way to be healthier too.