Keep on going! (Progress pics!)

stephnstars Posts: 47 Member
edited June 2021 in Motivation and Support
44lbs down since May 2020. The last 3 months I've lost about 5lbs in total but I've upped my calories and increased my strength training. I still have a long way to go but I'm trying not to fixate on the scale so much, more composition.
Looking at these pictures I can see change in my stomach, hips and definitely back! Though I would love those fat pockets on my back to be gone so and tips on exercise to target that area (I've been upping my planks, mountain climbers, Russian twists... just a bit of everything!)
I hope this motivates you and motivates me to keep on going!


  • Onedaywriter
    Onedaywriter Posts: 326 Member
    Great job!! Very motivating for anyone who sees this post! Thanks
  • AudreyKathleen1983
    AudreyKathleen1983 Posts: 1 Member
    edited June 2021
    Way to go!!!! I've been taking progress pics of my back for 3 months and it really is the best motivation !!!!!! Keep it up