
I think I get too wrapped up in numbers. Today I go to my doctor and will get weighed. Then I'll go home and see how many pounds my scale is off. My weight may go up or down, but I have to ignore that. What's important is that I feel so much better and my clothes fit a lot better, too. I'm able to get into some clothes that had been shoved away.

A pound of butter is a good guideline. If I don't lose any weight, that doesn't mean that I haven't gotten thinner. I can lose an inch and it would not register on the scale. An inch is not anywhere near the size of a pound of butter. I have to remember this, if the doctor scale raises my weight by 10 pounds. I've still lost what I've lost. I can feel it.

Anyone else obsessed by the scale? How do you avoid it when it is there every time you use the bathroom?


  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    I definitly have those tendancies about the scale, food, portion sizes, etc. Basically, anything I can obsess about I will. For me, it's come with practice and truly making my desire be for a healthy lifestyle-not a specific number on a scale, or a bikini body, etc. I try to weigh once a week. I would suggest chosing a day and stiking with that. If it's not the day to weigh yourself-stay off the scale!! Good luck, you will get there!!
  • rmwilliams0519
    I weigh myself every morning to keep myself staying on track. I know everybody says don't do that but I find it actually helps me. I can look in the mirror and know I need to lose weight so seeing the number on the scale doesn't make it any worse. Sometimes makes me feel better when I see the numbers falling. :)

    But I just try to keep good view, as long as my jeans don't pinch my tummy all day long at work or a shirt doesn't show a "muffin top" I just keep telling myself I'm doing great.
  • misty589
    misty589 Posts: 319 Member
    I actually hid my scale out of sight the other day, I want to wait until wednesday and hopefully have a nice surprise when I weigh myself rather than the little ups and downs of daily weights on a digital scale
  • resinite
    resinite Posts: 14
    The scale is just a measurement tool.

    So is the tape measure.

    So is our clothing.

    Put them all together for the bigger (hopefully SMALLER) picture.