Just a doubt



  • natasor1
    natasor1 Posts: 271 Member
    Go to the gym rite now. At 19 y/o you have to get sweat at least once a day for 20 min. If you don't give your muscles STIMULUS they are not gonna grow or at least stay the same. It s only 19 y/o!!! What gonna happen to your muscles at your 40th b-day?!! Even if you under little deficit's of the calories, it is not a big reason for 19 y/o guy to loose muscles. You are just don't stimulate them . If only what you do is walking, it recipies for failure.
    Your muscles are only a function of the duties they perform. If you lay on the coach, you look exactly like the person who lay on the coach. If you walk 12000 steps a day, you will lool like person who only walk 12000 steps a day ( flobby, muscularless, thin legs and big stomach, squishy arms and shoulders). If this is an ideal portret of your future look , then go for it.
    To build muscles you have to work on that, STIMULATION is a king. Why bodybuilders look great, just because the look like people who train in the gym often, regularly and with good effort. You can be sure the metabolism of such muscular individual is great even he eats little