Vacation coming up, help with eating

So I normally do my diet Sunday through Thursday and then eat whatever I want Friday and Saturday. It's actually going pretty well. I've lost almost 10 lbs. in 6 weeks. However, I'm in a little bit of a pickle. My wife and I are going on a vacation to San Antonio to celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary. The vacation is Sunday through Wednesday. I'm going nuts trying to diet today. Any tips on eating out on vacation? Maybe not eat breakfast while I'm on vacation and do whatever I want for lunch and dinner etc...? I welcome any suggestions.


  • kimjoan
    kimjoan Posts: 192 Member
    1st - Do not skip breakfast. You can get oatmeal, most restaurants offer egg white or eggbeater options or if there is a microwave in your hotel room you can take a box of microwavable oatmea with you.

    Other things - restaurants are great about doing special orders. Order poultry or fish and ask for it to be baked in no oil or butter, order salad w/o croutons or other breads and with a low fat or nont fat dressing on the side. Make sure that veggies are steamed and that sandwiches are served on whole grain/whote wheat bread - avoid the mayo. If you do pasta get whole wheat and make sure that you are ordering tomato sauces not butter or cream sauces. Just doing these few things have been majorily helpful for me.
  • MariaATX
    MariaATX Posts: 14
    I would try and eat 3 balanced well portioned meals each day with plenty of veg., fruit and healthy protein.
    When i'm on vacation i try and remember that spending time with my spouse and time off are my treat.s...that's what feeds my soul.....not food.
    Good luck and have lots of fun!!!!
    You will do great!
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    My suggestion is try to keep it as light as possible. Still eat breakfast, but ask for fruit instead of bacon and potatoes.
    Also, get up early and go for a walk or run or work out if you can.
    That and remember to have fun!
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    Maybe if your hotel has a fitness area in it go and work out for an hour each day and really push it so there is less regret? It is a trip to celebrate so don't punish your self. Just don't think it is ok to have friend everything (which they do in the south lol) Just try to make the healthiest choices and try to get some working out and enjoy your wife and what you have had for five years.

    Congrats! And to many more!
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    Congrats on the loss already! That is AWESOME :flowerforyou: And HUGE Congrats on the Anni :flowerforyou: The first thing you have to remember with diet is that it is not a diet but a lifestyle change. The second, DON'T SKIP MEALS! You'll send your body into starvation mode and totally reverse everything you've done & accomplished in the last 6 weeks (I know, it's so hard to lose it, but it switched in a heartbeat to go right back :ohwell: ).
    I have Celiac's Disease, which means I'm allergic to gluten, so even when we're on vacation or going out, I am very concious of what I'm eating. Pack some healthy snax that you can take with you while you're sight-seeing: I like to either pack some pre-cut apples (add a tsp or so of lemon juice as it stops it from going brown) or some grapes. You can get plastic containers that have ice-packs in the lids (I've seen them at Wal-Mart). Or you can even pack some low-cal granola bars or protein bars. When you eat out, be concious of what you're ordering: if you're having steak, go for the 6oz filet instead of the 20oz porterhouse (I know that's hard to do), and instead of potato or rice pilafs, ask if you can have some plain steamed veggies & maybe a side salad instead: if they bring bread or bread stix to the table, have 1 slice/1 stick and leave it at that. And remember, just cuz you're eating out, does not mean you're obligated to have desert. Maybe have fruit salad or go out for a drink (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) instead after dinner (take a walk to burn some cals)
    I also have a couple of my workout DVD's saved on my lap top, so I can still exercise while we're out of town (I saved my Tai Chi & kick-boxing/Tai-Chi mix since it's low-impact & I don't need to schlep weights or anything).
    If you slip up, you're on vacation & you're celebrating a special occasion, but don't just use that as an excuse to allow yourself to slip up: you're doing MFP for good reasons & you don't want to take all those steps forward just to slip back down the ladder rungs in one fell swoosh!
    I wish you & your wife a VERY Happy 5th Anniversary! Congratulation & remember, all your MFP's are still here even when you're celebrating & on vacation :flowerforyou:
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    Ok...I live in San Antonio and let me tell you it is going to be HARD to eat well here. Do not skip breakfast. Eat a healthy breakfast and lunch, and maybe splurge a little during dinner. Because I would hate for you to go back home and have gained back a lot more than you wanted to. The food here is amazing....and ridiculously fattening.
  • mosh2208
    mosh2208 Posts: 1 Member
    When I went on vacation a couple of weeks ago I gained 5 pounds. Its extremely tough, because it's really hard to keep up with the calories you take in. The best thing to do is ask your server questions about the menu, and figure out what is healthiest. If they can't give you the info I would say watch your portions then.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Ok...I live in San Antonio and let me tell you it is going to be HARD to eat well here. Do not skip breakfast. Eat a healthy breakfast and lunch, and maybe splurge a little during dinner. Because I would hate for you to go back home and have gained back a lot more than you wanted to. The food here is amazing....and ridiculously fattening.

    How so?

    I go there for work frequently and have never had any issues finding healthy foods. There are a lot of wonderful steak joints, cafes along the Riverwalk, and my favorite - Pappadeaux. Lots of good high-protein dishes available at all those places! :D
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    Of course :) But most people that come here come for the Tex Mex culture and the food that goes along with it, not for steaks and things they can get at home. At restaurants like that it definitely will be hard to stick to low calorie options.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Of course :) But most people that come here come for the Tex Mex culture and the food that goes along with it, not for steaks and things they can get at home. At restaurants like that it definitely will be hard to stick to low calorie options.


    I still tend to get fajitas, carne asada, etc. at TexMex joints and stay away from the chips and carbo-heavy meals, but I can definitely see your point on how those places can be huge downfalls.

    Then again, I travel frequently, so I'm used to avoiding the bad stuff. Heh.
  • xxgoriexx
    xxgoriexx Posts: 39
    NEVER skip breakfast.

    If there's nothing healthy for you to eat, just eat smaller portions.
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    Of course :) But most people that come here come for the Tex Mex culture and the food that goes along with it, not for steaks and things they can get at home. At restaurants like that it definitely will be hard to stick to low calorie options.


    I still tend to get fajitas, carne asada, etc. at TexMex joints and stay away from the chips and carbo-heavy meals, but I can definitely see your point on how those places can be huge downfalls.

    Then again, I travel frequently, so I'm used to avoiding the bad stuff. Heh.
    Those are def good choices if he does end up at a Mexican place. Corn tortillas instead of flour if he does decide to eat tortillas. Black beans instead of refried. Then again, it's a vacation so splurge every now and then if you want.