New Clothes

NekaMaye88 Posts: 162 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
I wasn't sure which forum to really post this in but to all my people who have had 90+ lbs to lose, what do you do about clothes? I've lost 85 lbs since 2010 and I still wear the clothes that I have. Most of my parents are like MC Hammer style. My shirts fit weird because there's a lot of extra space and my bras are weird because I've lost inches, but my cup size hasn't really gone down.

How often have you purchased new clothing if you've lost a lot of weight? When do you decide to buy? I'm such a nonchalant person when it comes to clothing and such, not your typical gal. I know for sure I need to do some shopping but I have another 65 lbs to lose so I'm sure I'll have to do some MORE shopping then. Being cost effective and healthy. Oye! lol


  • katielovesshoes
    You've lost 85 lbs and are still wearing the same clothes!?!?!?! Go buy some new stuff NOW. I've lost 80 lbs since 2011 and I just bought a few things along the way - never a full new wardrobe, but enough to look nice every day. Typically, I went to outlets or Target or got things on sale, knowing that (hopefully) they wouldn't fit in a couple of months. It really helps reinforce what you've been doing it for if you can SEE the difference. I also have put $10 away for every pound I've lost. So, when I hit my goal weight, I can go shopping and get a whole new look.

    Congrats on your success - own it, sister!
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    If you like thrift shopping or can learn to like it, there are deals to be had. I love sifting through the racks of clothes to find hidden gems. (: I buy bras, socks, and underwear new of course, but department stores like Target and Kohl's usually have good deals going on for those.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    I have bought all my pants at second-hand stores and some shirts as well (some I purchased new at clearance outlets). I started buying pants when my original pants started to look like I was wearing a potato sack. Now the pants I bought to replace my "fat pants" are getting too big. So, off to the thrift store I go. There is no point in spending a fortune in clothes that you will probably out grow in a few months. Once I hit my goal weight / size, I won't hestitate to spend more money on new stuff. But you would be surprised on the expensive name brands you will find at thrift stores for CHEAP.

    I do buy my undies and bras brand new though.
  • annakdavis
    annakdavis Posts: 28 Member
    I have lost about 90 lbs since 9/2012. I have gone from a size 24W to a 12. My bra has gone from a 38D to a 36D (would suggest getting formally fitted. I had thought that I had gone down to a 38B- but was completely wrong). I have been able to get through by using consignment shops, Savers (similar to good will) and EBay. I only get a couple of pants per size, and wash them often. My summer has consisted of dresses and skirts- because they do not fall off. I have also found decent prices at Kohls and TJ Maxx.
  • babyj0
    babyj0 Posts: 531 Member
    Once your clothes start NOT fitting correctly. It's their time to go!
  • Luvmesumkenny
    Luvmesumkenny Posts: 779 Member
    Luckily for me I had a friend who was 20 lbs smaller than I was so whenever something she had got too big for her it fit perfectly on me so I Scored big there.

    I LOVE LOVE shopping so I'm always buying new stuff but I know how much it sux having to buy new stuff every month as you continue to lose. Second hand stores are a great option. ROSS was where I went. You have lost over 80 lbs. GIRL GO GET YOUSELF A FEW NEW OUTFITS!!!!! Hard work deserves to be noticed =)

    I have one pair of pants I kept as a reminder of where I started and how far I've come and Where I will NEVER be Again!
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    i love thrift stores~
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    I wasn't sure which forum to really post this in but to all my people who have had 90+ lbs to lose, what do you do about clothes? I've lost 85 lbs since 2010 and I still wear the clothes that I have. Most of my parents are like MC Hammer style. My shirts fit weird because there's a lot of extra space and my bras are weird because I've lost inches, but my cup size hasn't really gone down.

    How often have you purchased new clothing if you've lost a lot of weight? When do you decide to buy? I'm such a nonchalant person when it comes to clothing and such, not your typical gal. I know for sure I need to do some shopping but I have another 65 lbs to lose so I'm sure I'll have to do some MORE shopping then. Being cost effective and healthy. Oye! lol

    For me it was hard as I have to look appropriate at the office (business attire) so I ended up spending ALLOT of money on cloths. Outside of work cloths I would have 1 pair of jeans and would only buy 4 t-shirts of whatever size I dropped to. I had like 2 “go out” outfits that was about it. I finally just bought what I am thinking is my last wardrobe, I can’t really tell you how much I’ve spent in the last year and a half cause frankly I don’t know how much … This last bit was at least $3,000 + if that helps at all
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I agree, once they're too loose, you have to shop for new ones. Not necessarily NEW new, just new to you - as in second hand, consignment and thrift store shopping. And honey, you definitely need new bras. Your cup size may not have changed much but you've got to be smaller around and those girls still need their support! Bras are the one thing I'll still spend good money on (besides good running shoes) because the girls need all the help they can get.

    You will look SOOOO much better in clothes that fit you properly too! I've read articles that say to go ahead and buy a size smaller even but I wouldn't recommend it. I've done that a couple times and ended up wasting my money because the shirt didn't fit quite right or I forgot about it until it was way too big. Shop for the size you are now and then plan on shopping again once you get smaller.
  • jeanywren
    jeanywren Posts: 72 Member
    Go shopping girl!!! It will give you such a boost. Even thrift shops have some good clothes, takes a bit of effort to look through. You don't need to spend a lot but get rid of the baggy stuff and move on forward
  • Kaytee86
    Kaytee86 Posts: 88 Member
    I am still at the beginning of my journey, but I'm starting to notice some stuff fitting better/worse than others. So I've decided that once a month, I'm going to go through my whole wardrobe and decide what fits and what doesn't. If it's too big, it goes in the donation or trash bin (basic on condition of clothing). Then I can hit thrift stores/walmart to fill in the holes. Not buying any really high quality stuff for awhile because it's going to be a waste of money. (The only exception to this rule for me is jeans because I need tall - 34 inch inseam - jeans which are hard to find in plus sizes for cheap - so excited about getting down in sizes so I can start spending reasonable money on clothing.)
  • NekaMaye88
    NekaMaye88 Posts: 162 Member
    Certainly appreciate all of your help and apologize for my typos in the original post. Haha I never thought about just going thrift store shopping and doing that here and there. I will certainly work that into my budget now. :) Here's to new clothes and new beginnings.
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    I wasn't sure which forum to really post this in but to all my people who have had 90+ lbs to lose, what do you do about clothes? I've lost 85 lbs since 2010 and I still wear the clothes that I have. Most of my parents are like MC Hammer style. My shirts fit weird because there's a lot of extra space and my bras are weird because I've lost inches, but my cup size hasn't really gone down.

    How often have you purchased new clothing if you've lost a lot of weight? When do you decide to buy? I'm such a nonchalant person when it comes to clothing and such, not your typical gal. I know for sure I need to do some shopping but I have another 65 lbs to lose so I'm sure I'll have to do some MORE shopping then. Being cost effective and healthy. Oye! lol
    Some things you can wear in more sizes than others. Dresses and skirts tend to last for a while and ditto some tops. As for pants, I decided once I can slip them off without unbuttoning they are probably too big! Then I buy another size (or move down a size, if I have something smaller in my closet).

    Congrats on your success so far, but you will feel better if you have a few things that fit. Buy some classic pieces like jeans or black pants that you look fabulous in, even when you're still losing.
  • USMCnetty90
    USMCnetty90 Posts: 277 Member
    I buy 95% of my clothes at thrift stores or Goodwill - I have bought some brand new pants and tops from there - very stylish.
    You should buy new clothes!!! You have lost 85lbs you need to treat yourself for a job well done!!!!

    I just decided last week that I am no longer going to wear unflattering clothes. I have a few pair of pants that are just big and baggy even though they fit around my waist but are super baggy - and me being short makes it worse...

    Congratulations on your success so far!!!!
  • CheeksBryant
    CheeksBryant Posts: 193 Member
    I buy at least one new item each month, but I try to make sure they are "key pieces" (items that you can mix and match, and make several different outfits. Look for sales and clearance. Lane Bryant will have two for two specials on bras a lot! signup for their emails. Post on Facebook a status "looking for gently worn clothes, please pm for sizes " unless you are okay with putting your sizes. Cato has a great clearance rack aslo. You've worked hard and you deserve new clothing! I've lost 65 so far (my ticker is from my start date here, not my actual start of my journey) and my pants were falling off me!
  • Mlkmaid
    Mlkmaid Posts: 356 Member
    Ebay. I refuse to spend a lot of money on clothes.
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    Thrift stores are your friend, especially if you still have more to lose.
  • kitana42303
    kitana42303 Posts: 5 Member
    garage sales and thrift stores and even consignment shops are the way to go until you get to goal. I work in an office and usually dress nicely. I was complimented on an outfit the other day and later I was thinking about it. I think I had eight dollars total, including the shoes tied up in it. After I reach goal and convince myself that I will be able to maintain, then I might think about a new wardrobe. You have done great. Congratulations.
  • Gizzy1976
    Gizzy1976 Posts: 126 Member
    Go to the sales or go on eBay, if you buy a few items that you can mix n match until your at your goal. I'm having to go through my wardrobe every 6-8wks and chuck out my fat clothes, It gives me a real buzz!! I love shopping ????
  • happieharpie
    happieharpie Posts: 229 Member
    I get really nice basics at places like KMart, Costco, and Walmart. I look for very plain, simple things, and for me, it works. I bought 4 basic colors of above the ankle pants at KMart July 4th weekend, and they and some nice plain cotton T-Shirts were $6 apiece. The colors of the shirts and pants mix-matched with each other and I wore them all summer.

    My summer wardrobe is in great shape, like new, and I'll donate them to my local shelter after Labor Day.

    Looking forward to new jeans from Costco ($16) and turtlenecks from KMart. I watch the sale flyers for the lowest prices I can find.

    Get yourself some new things OP. You deserve some rewards for all you've done so far!
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