Anyone able to help me decipher this mysterious nutritional info panel?

Can anyone help me figure this out? Apologies in advance that it's such a dumb question but I just happened to be browsing this packet of soup.

1 packet of this soup is 100g

The nutritional ingredients info says
- 100g is 83 calories
- each pack has 1 serving
- 1 serving is 212 calories
Given that you just add water, I don't understand how 100g is 83 calories and 1 serving is 83 calories



  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,976 Member
    edited July 2021
    It's 83 calories per 100gr prepared, including the water you need to add according to the instructions. The mix is 212 calories per 100 grams before adding water.
  • koalathebear
    koalathebear Posts: 236 Member
    Ahhh ... I get it now. Thank you! :D
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,373 Member
    83 x 2.55 = 212 calories.

    The 100gms is not just the content of the packet, it includes the water, so the packet and water = 255ml.